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Hi All,


Well, I'm pretty fed up with my hair falling out. I've got normal male pattern baldness with balding on crown, but still some hair there. Then widows peak with overall thinning on top, but thick, normal hair on sides and top neck.


So, I would love to hear about positive experiences including both prescription and vitamins and dietary changes. Or just about anything.


Thanks a lot!!



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  • Senior Member

Welcome pathfinderjim. You are on the right track by starting to do your research. Finasteride and Minoxydil are the only two things that have ever been proven to stop the progression of hairloss and actually regrow hair.


As far as vitamins go there really aren't any that do much. Users of Bitoin and MSM have reported faster growth of existing hair but no actual regrowth. So besides general health benefits, if any, vitamins don't seem to do much for hair loss sufferers.


Good luck with your research.

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