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  • Senior Member

Has anyone used any of the Thymuskin products that can be found on the web. They say that these products were formulated for cancer treatment patients in Germany to keep them from losing their hair during treatments, but found that it grows hair in patients. It's pretty expensive, so I would like to know if anyone has had any expeience with these products. Thanks!

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  • Senior Member

Has anyone used any of the Thymuskin products that can be found on the web. They say that these products were formulated for cancer treatment patients in Germany to keep them from losing their hair during treatments, but found that it grows hair in patients. It's pretty expensive, so I would like to know if anyone has had any expeience with these products. Thanks!

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  • Regular Member

Hey M,


I tried it some year or so before my first HT and I found it to be a waste of money. Maybe it does a little to combat loss or restore that lost from chemotherapy, but not from MPB, at least in my opinion.


Save your money for another second trip to Minneapolis! 5,000 fu's does wonderful things for guys like you and me. Heck, 2,500 does too for that matter!


Take care,


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  • Senior Member

Hi Cliff,

Man you and I are on the same track aren't we?! You're right, the only thing that'll make us look better is the Dr Ron "special"! I'm just looking forward to the growth stage since I'm only about 7 weeks out. I still have about 40%-50% of the transplanted hair, and some are actually growing, but I'm anxious about the rest of the transplanted hair.

I feel a lot better knowing that Dr Shapiro did my HT. Did all of your trasnplanted hair fall out, and how long was it before you started seeing some growth? Did you ever post any pictures? I think I may post some if I can ever get some made. Thanks for you help!


Regards, Michael

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Hey again M,


I never posted any pics, but I told Matt (at Shapiro) that he can show them or send them to anyone he likes. He would likely attach a couple of before and after pics and email them to you. I am a most un-photogenic guy, and I am selfconcious about how I look in posed shots, so I have never seemed to find a pic that looks anywhere good enough to post, let alone a pic to give to someone who will study it like crazy. I did manage to get a replacement driver license since my old one really did not look like me anymore. And I kept the old one to show disbelievers. But those mug shots really look awful and I cannot share them and feel good about it.


I did lose every bit of my transplanted hair. After a few weeks I looked exactly like I did before the procedure. It was perplexing because it made me feel a bit like all the effort and expense was for nothing. Of course, logic tells you that this is not so, but we all fall victim to mental twists, especially about these kinds of things.


So what I can tell you right now is that you should not worry about what happens to those hairs early on, after they are healed and in place, of course. You are well beyond that stage. But in 4 to 6 months you will see why all the effort was worth it. And then, in the months to follow, those hairs are going to mature and blend in and begin to fall in place just the right way on you head. THAT is when you will begin to feel like you are not bald anymore.


In about a year, if you are at all like me, you will have to get used to having some hair fall in front and hit your forehead. I had not experienced this feeling in so long that it has taken some getting used to. I think I have needed to desensitize to that feeling so that it does not feel akin to an insect or such against the skin. This is an amazing issue to have to deal with.


So hang in there. You are on your way. And yes, I know what you mean for feeling good about who you chose to do your HT. There is no doubt he is among the very best. No one has ever thought my hairline was anything other than by nature, unless I told them. And even then they never seem able to believe it at first.


Hey-just last night, at a party, three women whispered to one another just after finding out that I was over 50 years old. Then one of them embarassingly came to me and looked back at the others and said "should I tell him? .... oh well.... we were saying that you look nothing at all like you are 50, you look like you are 40 maybe, certainly not 50." I smiled and said "you are too kind, but really--I am 51, not 50!", knowing the whole time that Dr. Shapiro deserves all the credit for this little shot in the ego for me. But I never let on that something specific happened which took ten years off my age! I never felt I had to.


You've got alot to look forward to M.



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  • Senior Member

Thanks Cliff, that was one great read! I'm just sittin here trying not to look silly with this mile wide grin on my face, after reading some of your comments.:-) To say I feel better about all this is an understatement!

You are right: You don't owe anyone any kind of explanation about what you've done. It's still your hair, you just had it moved to where it could do you more good! Take care, and I'll keep you updated.




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