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So I started taking Minox daily a few months back, when i had a scare from strong daylight bathroom lighting and also seeing thinning on the right side of my hairline... for a while I believed that it was helping my rightside hairline though now im skeptical, and I've also noticed that my hairline on the left side has gone way back and lots of hairs have dropped out... there wasnt even a problem here. I know it can cause sheds, but, is that progress or just the start of the end for these hairs?

I'm also experimenting with taking propecia 0.5mg daily but i think im having side effects, and am unsure if i should carry on taking it :/ its been a few weeks now.


Heres a photo from september, the left side of my hairline:




And heres how its looking now. note that the hairline is still there, but a big chunk of it has thinned out and there is a lot less hair there, also the hairs there are very short in comparison to the rest of my hair, which is why they dont pull back with the rest:




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