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2 weeks post HT, is it dandruff?


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I'm 2 weeks post FUE and today after using my normal shampoo (so far I have been using baby shampoo), all my transplanted scalp has white scabs (?) or is it dandruff,...I don't know. Its comparatively thicker than dandruff particles and there are quite many transplanted hair (the ones that are still attached to my head) which have these white scabs on their tip above.


By trying to remove the white particles from the tip of the hair, I also got the hair attached to it out with almost not power at all.


I am wondering if these are white scabs or just dandruff? Or in an unfortunate case am I losing some grafts?


Could it also be the normal shampoo that I used? Should I continue using baby shampoo for a few more days or change the shampoo?


Thank you for the input in advance.

Edited by lookingforht
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  • Senior Member

yes i saw this exact same phenomenon at around day 12-14.


Prior to day 12 i had not "normal shampooed" my hair. I had waited till around day 5 post op to shampoo mildly and than done so every 3 days. Otherwise following the HT i had had daily luke warm water very low pressure shower over the head.


I had noticed from immediately after the HT when the new hair grafts were wet or cold they would seem to have a white film around them which would go away when they dried.


At day 12 like i say i shampood normal. I did start to see the grafts fall.


But please note just cos they fall off doesnt mean u lost the graft unless u scratched very very hard and saw bleeding....which is rare.


By day 15 even tho all the scabs had gone i too was suprised to see this big white film....especially as i had just shampood my hair.....i rubbed my nails on it and it felt like a thick film of dandruff.


So i went back in the shower and this time made the water hot, and shampood pretty hard...i removed all the film of skin/dandrufff whateveer it was.....and since than the last 2 weeks the hair in my recipient area has started finally growing back a little, even tho it is still in shock loss.


In a nutshell, I think it is dandruff/skin left over from the operation and the period when u were unable to shampoo normally due to the scabs and the fact u had just had a HT.


But wait for some other answers here first as someone else may know something i dont.


I would say tho at post 14 days u can shampoo normally and quite hard and u wont lose grafts at that stage.

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