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Need advice on Rogaine


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This past year, I have noticed my hairline just beginning to recede. No hair loss in the vertex. I'm 30 years old.


I was prescribed Propecia by a dermatologist, which I've been using since February. I also went for a consultation with a hair loss physician for a second opinion. Along with the Propecia, the hair loss doctor recommended Rogaine foam, which I haven't started using yet.


I decided to go on Propecia with the understanding that even if it doesn't help me grow more hair, it would at least help me keep what I have. But the hair loss physician (who claims to be an expert on Propecia), said it wouldn't stop hair loss at all in the front, only the vertex. He said to start using Rogaine along with the Propecia would yield the best results.


I purchased a bottle of Rogaine foam with 5% minoxidil. But the label clearly states that Rogaine is not to be used for frontal hairloss. So I don't know what to believe. I'm already on a drug (Propecia) that I've been told won't do any good where I need it to (and that I've heard may cause other long-term complications), and I'm apprehensive about starting the Rogaine, for fear that it might just make things even worse. It seems like I'm not getting the whole truth.


So I would really like to know, if anyone can give me the answer??¦is Rogaine safe to use in the frontal scalp? If so, why would the company claim that it is not? And why would the doctor recommend it to me anyway? I don't know whether or not he might purposely be giving me the wrong information, so I'll have to keep going back. Am I being overly cynical here?


But mainly I would like to know, does Rogaine typically help with the frontal hairline? Or is this just in rare cases? I know results vary from person to person, but I'd at least like to know that I've got a reasonable chance of benefiting from the treatment before I start anything (and that it won't instead just make it worse). Advice appreciated.

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there is no harm in applying the minoxidil to your front section. but the chances that the medication will be effective for that area is very slim. recently someone posted the stats of minoxidil effectiveness on different parts of scalp. it stated that around 5% (not 100% sure but around that mark) of overall users see some improvements from it in the hairline section, while the crown area was the overall winner with around 70%. if i happened to come across that tread with all the stats at some point and time, i'll copy and paste the info here for you.


so if you are one of the lucky ones in the 5% range, you might be in for a pleasant surprise. note that you must be applying it 2X/day and give it at least 6 months to a year for your final evaluation. hope that helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Originally posted by Mr. GQ:

there is no harm in applying the minoxidil to your front section. but the chances that the medication will be effective for that area is very slim. recently someone posted the stats of minoxidil effectiveness on different parts of scalp. it stated that around 5% (not 100% sure but around that mark) of overall users see some improvements from it in the hairline section, while the crown area was the overall winner with around 70%. if i happened to come across that tread with all the stats at some point and time, i'll copy and paste the info here for you.


so if you are one of the lucky ones in the 5% range, you might be in for a pleasant surprise. note that you must be applying it 2X/day and give it at least 6 months to a year for your final evaluation. hope that helps.


Thanks. I'm not necessarily concerned with improving the hairline (although that would be nice)--I'm mainly interested in maintaining what I have. As it stands right now, I'm reasonably comfortable with the way my hair looks. It may be starting to recede a bit, but I can hide it pretty easily. It's difficult to tell whether the propecia is working, but from what I can tell so far, at least it appears to be doing no harm.


If the issue was with my crown, I'd be a little less apprehensive to try Rogaine, because that's what it's meant for. But since the info regarding Rogaine on the hairline appears to be a bit iffy and inconclusive, I'm a little worried that adding it to my regimen might be pressing my luck.


I guess my main question is (preferably to those who have or are currently using the combination of Propecia and Rogaine for their frontal area), can Rogaine possibly make the condition worse? Can you actually lose hair on it?


Also I've heard about the possibility of Rogaine causing shedding. I'm wondering what I should expect with this? Is it very common? And is it typically noticeable to others? How long does it typically last?


I'm planning on starting Rogaine in two days, so I'd just like to have as much info as I can before I start.

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Originally posted by Marvin:

If Rogaine does cause some hair loss in the front, what do you really lose? You'll lose that hair anyway if you don't take anything.


What do I lose? I lose hair!


Yes, I'd probably lose it anyway if I didn't take anything. But I am currently on Propecia. I'd like to slow the process down as much as I can, which hopefully the Propecia is helping to do. The question is will I be helping or hurting the situation by adding Rogaine.

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I have been using Rogaine or a generic for about 10 years. My hairline receded only slightly over those years. I only applied it to my crown, and this area did thin over time. However, I believe Rogaine helped me keep hair, and retarded my hair loss in both areas.

I just had a HT Less than a month ago, and I will be using Rogaine and Propecia(generic).

Since my HT, I have switched to brand name Rogaine foam. My doctor told me that Rogaine helped prevent shock to surrounding hair and that after waiting 14 days post op to resume its use. The foam is much better than the generic liquid I had been using. The foam stays were you place it, and then it gets massaged into the scalp. Also, I used to get very dry, flaky, and itchy scalp every 4-5 days on the liquid. I have had none of those symptoms from using the foam.


It would not hurt to add Rogaine foam to your treatment plan. I have been applying small amounts of each dose to the new transplant area along the hairline as well as the vertex.

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