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What about us???


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  • Senior Member

For over the last 2 years, I am regularly visiting this site and seeing similar faces around here. (Nearly) everybody is friendly and supportive, but yesterday I noticed something. I only know those people based on their hairlines/crowns! I mean I know how many grafts he had, what he went through during his pre/post up but nothing else.


I know some people like to stay low profile and I truly respect that. And I don't want anyone to reveal their selves. But wouldn't it be nice to get to know us a bit more??


Let me start first; I'm 25, graduated from college 2 years ago. Started working with my dad and uncle in a family business based on textile. Business is not like the old times (after 2008 recession) but I can't say it's bad.


I have a girlfriend for over 8 months now. She was my high school sweetheart , we dated 1.5 years and now we found each other again:) I have my own apartment and I drive VW Golf. I really love football (sorry ,soccer for US:)) and some xbox games.


So what about you guys? Maybe it'll be nice for us to talk something else rather than our NW levels!

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