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My story.. advice?


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The left side of the hairline and right behind the hairline had some minor issues, which I went in to correct. I also had crown work done in my second procedure. Then a few months later, some of my previously transplanted hairs fell and never came back. I don't know why that happened but it was the reason for the third procedure. I do see thickening, and I've come along way since my shock loss. I guess I'm going to wait it out and see what happens in a few months. Either way, I think strip is far more effective than FUE.

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  • Senior Member

you look good man..........show yourself to the best surgeons listed on this website.trust me this is the website in the whole world for ht patients.you can trust this website and the docs.i have done a lot of research and i have a lot of experience regarding this site.show yourself to the docs and ask them the reason for the loss of transplanted hair.i am sure you have a deficiency of something for example vitamins etc ....contact me a if u wish ....thanks

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  • Regular Member

Bll.. I blamed it on so many things. I blamed it on taking a multivitamin.. I blamed it on working out.. I blamed it on Rogaine...I blamed it on alcohol.. I blamed it on the sun...I don't think I have vitamin deficiency because I had blood work done and everything came back perfect. The doctor told me I was in perfect health. Being that I work out, I do take a multivitamin daily. Not sure why previously transplanted hairs fell but I'm hoping for the best. I used up enough grafts to be concerned that I won't have enough left for further thinning, especially if I try AGAIN to correct the same problem area. That's really what makes me a little sad, especially if things don't get better. I do want to see a doctor though to talk about what could lead to hair loss of previously transplanted hairs (such as vitamin deficiency or working out, etc).

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  • Senior Member

Now listen carefully.i am Indian and here we have ayurvedic science(ancient methodology) and according to it deficiency of calcium can cause hairfall.get your calcium ratio in bones checked (bone marrow density test)and if there is retention of calcium in bones then your hairloss isn't genetic man.

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  • Senior Member



I feel for you as you're obviously going through a tough time as you've had your third procedure on the same area with diminishing returns:






You might want to start one thread with continued updates, such as: "Scorpian - 6 months" and that way we can converse back and forth much easier.


I remember you well from the Hairlosshelp forums and your initial results from the Armani strip looked very good but his FUE work is questionable at best. Not only does it appear that few of the FUE grafts transplanted actually grow, but with his dense packing he's transecting existing hairs as well, which would explain why even the formerly transplanted hairs are falling out.


I *really* hope you achieve some density in the coming months and definitely appreciate you coming on here, posting very clear photos and sharing your story. We'll be here to listen and give advice along the way!




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

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