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Scars, Swelling, Re-growth after HT - few doubts

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Hi All,


I have been reading this forum from a quite a while now and I am planning to go for Ht in 6 months from India dr madhu. I am 27 and started loosing my hair in 22 - 23. I have few very common doubts that are still unclear:



Scrars on the head: How visible the scars on the back of the head are after HT? Any other scars on head where hair are planted?


Any swellings? I am thinking of taking 2 months off from work so that I dont look weird in office. If there is any swelling, do you think it gives a decent look with 2 months of HT?


I know it is a very stupid to ask but according to your exp, whts the estimated time to expect any hair growth? Is it true that all the planted hair fall off ones and then re-grow? This has been mentioned on couple blogs that the planted folicules fall in 2-3 months and then re-grow in 6 months.



Will really appreciate your comments/suggestions.



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Welcome to our forum community and congratulations for choosing an excellent surgeon for your upcoming hair transplant procedure.


With today's latest and advanced scar closure techniques, scarring is usually minimal and can be as small as a pencil line. The trichophytic closure technique allows for hair to grow through the scar as well making it virtually invisible.


That said, scars aren't always pencil thin and rare risks of scar stretching (even when a physician does everything correctly). Dr. Madhu should have a good idea when evaluating you in person whether or not you are a good candidate for hair transplant surgery and go over any risks associated with the procedure.


Swelling can occur but typically only lasts a few days starting between day 1 and 3 and ending between day 5 and 8.


Transplanted hair growth typically begins between 3 to 5 months after the procedure and takes up to a full year to thicken, darken, and mature. The final result should be evaluated approximately 1 year after the procedure.


I hope this helps,



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