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One Month Out - HT 2 w/Dr. Dorin - 1008FUT


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So I promised I'd update a little more with this transplant than I did with the first, so since today was a month out from HT 2, I figured why not.


It's been a bit of a different experience this time. Not so much physically, but I guess, emotionally. I'm no where near as stressed out about every little thing as last time, so my anxiety level from the transplant is much less. I can't believe it's already been a month...last time the first month felt so slow and painful. Of course, between not having power from Hurricane Irene for a week and a family emergency the week before that, I have had my mind occupied on other things besides the HT. But, it was definitely nice to not be obsessively looking in the mirror 20 times a day.


As I said in my post-op review, I healed incredibly fast this time. I had no redness after just a few days in the recipient area. My donor area healed very nicely this time, and because of Dr. Dorin's painstaking work, I did not have any dissolvable stitches poke through. I have one slight discoloration that's been there since the stitch removal, but the scar itself is uniform and thin. It's definitely still red, not that that is unusual, but there's no pain or discomfort.


I still have that stubbly feeling all over my recipient area, so a decent number of the transplanted hairs are still growing, rather than falling out, but some definitely have fallen out. I've been kind of tingly/itchy the past few days...I'm assuming that the nerve ending reconnecting...I remember that from last time...though it's a really weird feeling, especially when it happens in the middle of a meeting a work and you just have to itch it a little.,


I've tried to keep everything as close to the same as last year as I possibly can. I've been eating healthy...although I always eat organic anyway...I started running about 2.5 weeks out, about 3 miles, 5 days a week. I haven't felt any pulling on the scar or anything. I'll probably wait until it gets cold before switching over to any other kind of workout, but more because I'm really enjoying running at this point than fear of stretching.


Last year, I started getting some pimples around 8 or 9 weeks, so I'm guessing it'll begin in a few weeks if all things remain equal. So, I'll just play the waiting game until then. So far, patience has been easy, but we'll see how long that lasts...lol.


I don't have any pictures to post since there's absolutely nothing new to see. I'll try to do an update every month and once stuff starts happening, I'll do my best to post some photos.


The only thing on my mind is that because I had such a great result last time, I'm worried that I'm not going to get lucky twice. But I have complete faith in the work of Dr. Dorin and the technicians so I know I'm in the best possible hands to get another great result.


This is a pretty boring update, but I though maybe it might help or interest someone...


Enjoy the long weekend,



HT 1 - 1508 FUT Dr. Dorin 7/10

HT 2 - 1008 FUT Dr. Dorin 8/02/2011

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Thanks for taking the time to update us on your progress. I think it's a safe bet that you'll have another great experience. You've not only got a great hair transplant surgeon but your physiology is tried and true.


Best of luck and please keep us posted!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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