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Shaving my hair off


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  • Regular Member

I am 25 and have diffuse alopecia(not very noticeable so far but I can see the scalp if my head is wet or oiled). I have been on the big three for a few months now and there hasn’t been a very drastic change. However I am beginning to think that this regimen to starting to become rather troublesome (regardless of the brushing your teeth analogy). For now, I am contemplating shaving my head off and wondering if that look would suit me.


My Question is will this have any negative impact on hair loss as in accelerate MPB or something like that?......


(I am still not sure if it would suit me as I believe that I would look less like Jason Statham and more like Timothy Olymphant(hitman))

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  • Senior Member

Forget shaving! If you look like Timothy Olyphant, you need to grow a mustache ala Deadwood :D


(serious answer: i don't think there's any way shaving you head could make things worse. if the old wives tales are to be believed, it'll make them better haha)

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