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Dr. Hasson 1500 grafts on the hairline 10 months


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Well I haven't been here for a while but I thought I would post my 10 month mark after getting 1500 grafts on my hairline from Dr. Hasson. Most of the transplanted hair started growing right away and the hair that did fall out was growing within 2 months so I was pretty pleased with that. I have some before and after pictures, sorry about the quality of the after pictures. In the after pictures there is nothing in the hair but a bit of water.


The scar is doing well and I have the sides and back down to a 2. In certain lighting if you really look apparently the scar is barely noticable with the 2 (I got my only friend who I actually told what I did to look for it). Otherwise no one has said anything except that for some reason I look a lot better these days. As far as I can tell pretty much every transplanted hair came in.


Dr. Hasson 1500 grafts on the hairline 10 months









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