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What happened? (in a good way)


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Alright, so 19 year old guy here, and i noticed some thinning along the sides of my hair, and a little in behind the bangs. I went to my doctor, he prescribed some propecia, and this is where it starts to get weird. I had one pill the first day, then I had to work the graveyard shift at work till 5 in the morning, and then when i came home i slept till 1. When i woke up, i popped another pill, and went to comb my hair. As i was combing it, i noticed that I had regrown hair on the sides, where it had been before thinning. By that i mean, i used to have two white stripes from my temple to the back of my head. Now, they are gone. I have hair there.



AM i a friggin miracle child? Is it going to fall out? is this something that happens? I mean, jesus, ONE NIGHT and all of the sudden I have hair regrowth? I mean, of course, im over the moon elated and estatic that it has regrown, but has anybody ever heard of one night regrowth before?


Thanks for any info guys

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Originally posted by Maxxy:

Not wanting to burst your bubble but what you're describing is impossible even with medication, hair simply can't form and grow at this speed.

I disagree. i can concur with manco. I've been on Finasteride for only two weeks andI have experience regrowth that I, my dematologist, and my husband noticed on the top back portion of the crown. I am hoping it works of the fromtal crown, the trouble spot for most women. But I will take all the hair I can get. I am determined to get my hair back!
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  • Senior Member

Hey Carandal,


I'm glad Finasteride seems to be working for you, however, what are you disagreeing with?


We are not talking about 2 weeks here, Manco is stating that he had noticeable hair growth as a result of taking 1 dosage of Finasteride and that this noticaeable hair growth occurred within 24 hours or less. I'm sorry, but this is just not possible.

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