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Dr. Kenne


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Hello, I must first admit that I've been reading all of the post written on this site, without asking any questions. Well, I'm finally going to ask one! First, my condensed history of my hair restoration is that; In 1992, and 1994 I had two procedures done the Puig Clinic in Chicago. 400 punch graphs were added to my bald front. The plugs were elongated, not round consisting of 7-10 hair per graph, so I feel fortunate in this regard. Also, they cut out the donor stip from the back of my scalp, and just not plucked out of back of my skull, thus not leaving me severe scaring issues. The incisions are unnoticeable, and I've never had a problem with them, another benefit guessing on what has been written about Puig in this Forum.

I've now gotten the go ahead by best half to look into my possibly last procedure, and that is to finally have a " natural hairline". Based on the posts here and observing several other web sites, I've concluded that Dr. Keene is " One of the best" surgeons to do this procedure. Please, I'm asking for feed back either positive or negative on Dr. Keene, not for personal insults or personal preferences regarding hair transplant theories. I'm more interested in facts at this point regarding her credentials and ability to restore a " Natural Hairline" . I have scheduled a consultation with her in January, and I would like to know if I've missed anything in my internet investigation to this point.


Thank you in advance for your response to my most sincere question.

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  • Regular Member

Hello, I must first admit that I've been reading all of the post written on this site, without asking any questions. Well, I'm finally going to ask one! First, my condensed history of my hair restoration is that; In 1992, and 1994 I had two procedures done the Puig Clinic in Chicago. 400 punch graphs were added to my bald front. The plugs were elongated, not round consisting of 7-10 hair per graph, so I feel fortunate in this regard. Also, they cut out the donor stip from the back of my scalp, and just not plucked out of back of my skull, thus not leaving me severe scaring issues. The incisions are unnoticeable, and I've never had a problem with them, another benefit guessing on what has been written about Puig in this Forum.

I've now gotten the go ahead by best half to look into my possibly last procedure, and that is to finally have a " natural hairline". Based on the posts here and observing several other web sites, I've concluded that Dr. Keene is " One of the best" surgeons to do this procedure. Please, I'm asking for feed back either positive or negative on Dr. Keene, not for personal insults or personal preferences regarding hair transplant theories. I'm more interested in facts at this point regarding her credentials and ability to restore a " Natural Hairline" . I have scheduled a consultation with her in January, and I would like to know if I've missed anything in my internet investigation to this point.


Thank you in advance for your response to my most sincere question.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member


Dr. Keene is one of the best up and coming surgeons around. She's been trained by Dr. Shapiro and worked with Dr. Rose.. I've seen her work and she incorporates her own style from what she has learned for the best in the industry to proven good results. SHe has a good reputation among her fellow sureon peers.

Best of luck.

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Robert and Smoothy,


Thank you for your positive feed back on Dr. Keene, so far no one is coming forth with any negative comments. I posted the same question on " the other major hair loss help forum', 22 people looked at the posting, but no one replied. I know that I'm sort of a new comer to posting, but I assume all of us interested in our hair loss would want to "help" each other out!

Anyway, in five days I'll have my own questions answered to this most important topic when I have a consultation with Dr. Keene. I will post my observations and results of that consultation, on both sites, as I believe that the word "help" apparently stands for something that the participants of that site seem to be oblivious to. I know that with my previous Puig procedures my impede on me attaining a perfectly natural hairline. But by late Monday, I believe that I will an honest answer to what I think everyone viewing these forum's are looking for-Bonzo.

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