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Caucasion having HT with Dr Madhu


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I am travelling to India from the UK at the end of July to have FUT with Dr Madhu. Is there anyone with lighter skin/caucasion that has had the procedure with Dr Madhu and if so can you please upload a picture.

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The only forum member who is caucasian that I am aware of who has undergone a HT with Doctor Madhu is TomA.


Perhaps you can send him a pm regarding his experience.





Edited by RodG
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Thank you both for your response. Vinny that would be much appreciated! You must be excited?! Do you know of any half decent hotels to stay in not to far from the clinic? Im also in the process of sorting a visa out. Did you opt for a tourist or medical visa?

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I actually went for the tourist visa, don't ask me why as this all was last minute. I actually know nothing about hyderabad so actually I just picked the one recommended by Dr. Madhu on his website. There are actually two, one budget and one 4 star called the daspalla. I will keep you posted man, very very nervous but yes excited.

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I actually went for the tourist visa, don't ask me why as this all was last minute. I actually know nothing about hyderabad so actually I just picked the one recommended by Dr. Madhu on his website. There are actually two, one budget and one 4 star called the daspalla. I will keep you posted man, very very nervous but yes excited.


Hi guys. I can recommend using cleartrip.com for hotels bookings. Also if you have to fly within India f.x delhi-hyderabad. I have planned my tour to India to get a procedure done by Radha Rani from Vizag in start of august. I will be travelling from Copenhagen-Delhi Delhi-Hyderabad and i will be atying there for the first week of august. Hopefully the weather will be nice. there are quite a few places to visit in Hyderabad i advise you to use tripadvisor or wiki.

1 mg Finasterid M-W-F.

2,500 mcg Biotin.

1 mg 5 % Minoxidil once a day.


Fish oil.

Head and Shoulders every day.

Nizoral 2 % one time a week.

Emu oil.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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No problem, I travel to India next week and have booked in to have my surgery for the following week. Ill post pics as soon as I have had the surgery.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Congrats Bay! Hope it all worked out well for you! I'm going on 1 month now, just discovered some recent redness but hoping it will go away (but no problems for the first month for me, hoping this goes away soon!)

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Had my HT on tuesday with Dr Madhu. Ive attached some pics so please let me know your thoughts.


Congratulations...Seems like it gonna work out pretty well...


Also, from your pics, it feels that he has provided you more of a density as you required hair grafts only in the frontal portion.


I have my HT scheduled with Dr. Madhu on 8th August...Hoping for the best...



Any suggestions for me for things to do before surgery???

Edited by simplycomplicated
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Thanks guys. Just hope all turns out well now. Vinny I`m having my staples removed tomorrow by Dr Madhu so I can ask him about your redness if you like? I`m sure its nothing to worry about though.

Simple complicated there`s not really much advice I can give to be honest. I went along to the clinic on the Monday and met Dr Madhu for a 30 min consultation where we spoke about the procedure, amount of grafts possible, density and the shape of my new hair line. After this I was told to go back to my hotel which was a 3 min walk from the clinic (Best Western) and relax. The following day I arrived at the clinic at 5.45am for my procedure. After 10 minutes or so I was led into a room to meet Dr Madhu. Dr Madhu then drew the shape of my new hair line and after some injections of anesthetic to my donor area he began the procedure. One thing that did play on my mind was that although Dr Madhu did take the strip and stitch me up, it was his surgical assistants that made the holes for the grafts to be implanted into as well as implanting all the grafts. Dr Madhu did come into the room a couple of times during this part of my transplant to check on the progress. Vinny was this the same for you also?? All in all I am happy with the way things have turned out so far. I am not in any pain and I am looking farward to seeing my final results.

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Yah Bay my experience was exactly the same! If you could ask him about that, that would be great. As I didn't encounter any redness or issues and then 1 month later, boom! I had some redness and irritation, which was unexpected as I didn't read that this could occur in any of the post-op information.

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Yeah, I`ll speak to him tomorrow and get back to you Monday eve (UK time) as I`m travelling home tomorrow. I`m glad to here my experience was the same as yours! I`m gonna buy some meds tomorrow from their clinic. Recon they should be alot cheaper over here.

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I've just thrown up some 1 month Post-Op photos, some redness/irritation in the recipient area (hopefully will go away) and some shockloss in the donor area (also hope it goes away). Shed some transplanted hair, still have some left though. We'll see how it goes!

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Thanks guys. Just hope all turns out well now. Vinny I`m having my staples removed tomorrow by Dr Madhu so I can ask him about your redness if you like? I`m sure its nothing to worry about though.

Simple complicated there`s not really much advice I can give to be honest. I went along to the clinic on the Monday and met Dr Madhu for a 30 min consultation where we spoke about the procedure, amount of grafts possible, density and the shape of my new hair line. After this I was told to go back to my hotel which was a 3 min walk from the clinic (Best Western) and relax. The following day I arrived at the clinic at 5.45am for my procedure. After 10 minutes or so I was led into a room to meet Dr Madhu. Dr Madhu then drew the shape of my new hair line and after some injections of anesthetic to my donor area he began the procedure. One thing that did play on my mind was that although Dr Madhu did take the strip and stitch me up, it was his surgical assistants that made the holes for the grafts to be implanted into as well as implanting all the grafts. Dr Madhu did come into the room a couple of times during this part of my transplant to check on the progress. Vinny was this the same for you also?? All in all I am happy with the way things have turned out so far. I am not in any pain and I am looking farward to seeing my final results.


Glad that you are happy with the procedure. Gives me more confidence for my surgery on coming Monday...:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sorry Ive tacken so long to reply guys, had some issues with my computer but all sorted now. Vinny I mentioned about your redness to Dr Madhu and he said it sounded normal but you can email him some pics just to check. From day 6 I started to shed alot of my implanted hair. I was slightly concerned as alot of the hairs that fell out had a small black bulb on the end. This lasted for a couple of days. The majority of the hairs that fall out now dont have this small bulb on the end. Just a little worried that this was the follicle falling out??


Simply complicated, glad to here your experience went well. Your pics look great!

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