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Surgery with Dr. Glenn Charles

The Swiss

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This message is only about the procedure.


I had a surgery on january 27 2010. 3'100 graft (too soon for the result now).Well I must say that I was happy to undergo the procedure and had no concerns about nothing. I've read about Dr.Charles and had all my questions answered by Alexia (Thank you !).


As a European, I was not sure about the...approach of the whole thing. You know...little cultural differences. But because I've lived almost my entire life as an Expat, I've learn to be cool when I don't feel confortable.

I've found the briefing before the procedure too short, but why loosing time if any question has an answer ?

The staff in the room was talking to each other, making jokes, paying attention to the TV (why does people watch all those reality show ?) and I was feeling like not being the centre of the attention.

Suddenly it all starts...and still the staff was relaxed and talking, laughing. I was a little bit worried about that.

And then I fall asleep. The combination of the drugs and the jet lag gave me a moment of total peace. When I woke up, Dr. Charles was almost finish with is work and he left the room.

For the next hour only the team still worked on me before lunch.

In the afternoon three assistants were working on my grafts and I saw Dr. Charles late, when the procedure was completed.


If you read this, you will probably think that I'm unhappy about that. But it's exactly the contrary !

By talking to the staff members, I've learned about them. They all are very experienced persons. All with a long history in the HT. They were amazing.

Simply Dr. Charles trusts them and check the work before and after they finished. The whole group works under team spirit, trust and they are confortable with themself. There is no "Superstar Doctor" with nothing around him. There is a great professional, with a very solid reputation, who is working with a team around him.

That was my perception at the end of the day.


I spent a week in Orlando and Dr.Charles gave me his personal phone number, but I had no need.

On the way back, I stop by to take out the stitches and he checked personally that everything was fine, even if he had another patient in the clinic.


Finally, I undergo a HT procedure, but it was very smooth, thanks to the positive actitude of the team.

My scar (wich was my intimate concern) is not only invisible, but also almost undetectable, even by myself !

The grafts are implanted and I can't feel anything negative ! I'm very, very happy about that and I recommand Dr. Charles. He is very confident and very good in what he is doing.


I will probably post later, when the hair will start growing. I'm really looking forward for my new look.

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The Swiss,

Well done for choosing a top class surgeon and team.I look forward to seeing your changes over the next 12 months.It would be great if you can create a website for us all to follow you on your journey.



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

hey dude congrats!, everything i have seen from Dr Charles has been exceptional, come 12 months you will be a changed man, very happy for you bud.......will be great to follow your progress

2 poor very poor UK ht's

2 world class repairs with Shapiro Medical Group

original thread


Dr Paul's procedure http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1710

Dr Ron's procedure


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I'm a fellow HT patient of Dr. Charles, my procedure on January 7th with 3,581 grafts. Looks like you and I are going to be in the same boat in more ways than one. I agree with everything you said. The team was excellent and Dr. Charles was great. Lot of energy and confidence which made me feel at ease about the whole thing. I look forward to seeing your results.


Good luck to you, hope you heal quickly and grow like crazy.

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