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  • Senior Member

First of all, this is not a post to make some bad accusations or insults, I do believe in their work , I think they are still the worlds best but I feel like it needs to be discussed in this forum , where everything is clear , solid and not fake. Also , I think it is obvious that something going wrong there.

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  • Senior Member

I'm not exactly sure what you're saying here. Do you have a specific reason why you think something is "going on" and H+W.


I have been reading a few posts lately from individuals claiming similar things but I can't really tell where all this is coming from. There have been a smattering of dissatisfied customers yes, but in most cases I would say the clinic has managed to absolve themselves of direct blame in an honest and transparent way.


No clinic is going to have a 100% success rate, but the number of unhappy customers coming from H+W is very slight and doesn't seem to be warranting this panic and concern. H+W still look to me like they're doing almost unanimously world class work.


I think the problem is stemming from unrealistic expectations of what H+W are capable of. The words "megasessions" and "dense packing" have become synonymous with H+W, but now there seems this unrealistic expectation that everything coming out of their doors is going to be a 9000 graft masterpiece of flawless proportions.


Even the unhappy patients have not had bad results. Disappointing somewhat, perhaps, but not bad. There will always be patients that wanted a better result, but that doesn't automatically assume a poor procedure.


This is a difficult topic because any attempt to defend H+W is usually met with a barrage of criticism about how they're "beyond reproach" or "above judgement". I do not believe that to be the case and certainly do not believe it should be. But, at the same time, H+W have had such an exemplary record and seem so committed to offering a good service to their clients that when something goes even slightly awry their seems to descend a general mood of "unease" about them - like all of a sudden something is not right behind the scenes. I don't see any evidence of that whatsoever, and would hate to see a good business unfairly labelled as in crisis.

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