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Regaine Foam vs. Liquid (Who uses both?)


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I am thinking of adding Regaine to my current regime. After reading many posts of this forum and other it is seems that the following can be said for each solution. Please feel free to add your own pro/con personal experiences to this thread.


Foam Pros Dries quickly, Easier to style hair after application, Smells nice


Foam Cons More expensive than liquid, possibly less effective than liquid as does not penetrate the scalp as well when.


Liquid Pros Can apply it directly to scalp and not to hair, Cheaper than foam


Liquid Cons Takes ages to dry, Hair does not style as easily, does not smell too great.


With that being said I was wondering if anyone uses both. For example, applying foam in the morning when you are in a rush to get somewhere and using liquid in the evening perhaps a few hours before you go to bed.


Any thougts?

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I currently use Rogaine foam in the morning before work and the generic liquid in the night and I think it's currently the cheapest and best option for me. I like to style my hair and I absolutely cannot wait 2 hours every morning for the liquid to dry. I will continue to do this until the generic foam comes out next year, aslong as the generic foam is priced well.

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I've switched to Foam in the morning about 3 weeks ago. I'm on PG free minox in the evening because I was afraid of shedding if going all Foam. I seem to be getting regrowth in the frontal area but I want to see how far it goes before getting too excited about it.


I think Foam gets absorbed better than lotion btw.

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Thanks for your reply Kenaz.


It is encouraging to hear that somone is getting regrowth from Minox in the frontal area. This is where I am experiencing hairloss. Im just wondering if its time for me to start using Minox and which particular one I should go for. Im worried about my hairline looking worse before it looks better.

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It would seem like shedding is more common with foam so you may want to start with lotion. If you go with regular one and end up having irritation or seborrhoea dermatis, switch to a propylene glycol free version. Wait a few months, and if results aren't satisfying you can give foam a shot.


If you're afraid of how it may look first, apply it on a test area.

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Brogain I use Kirkland currently, I live in the UK and have it shipped over from America. I have a receding hairline and am currently in the shedding phase, I have noticied a number of small thin hairs that I am hoping will mature and help fill my hairline out again. Although It can be daunting when you see an increase in hairloss I am trying to stay positive because it means that the drugs are working. Brogain what is your current regime?

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I use rogaine foam in the mornings and the generic liquid at nights. It has turned out well since in the mornings it is easier to style and I don't have to wait for it to dry up, and at nights I apply the liquid a few minutes before going to bed. Although I am sure the foam has a thickening and overall better cosmetic effect, the liquid gives me the impression is in charge of sprouting new hairs.

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My current regime is Propecia 1mg a day which I have been taking for about 8months and Nizoral every three days. I am only experiencing hair loss at the temple and hairline and my hair is pretty thick everywhere else.


I want to start Minoxidil in the next couple of weeks on my hairline to see if I can fill it out. I think I will start with two weeks of just liquid before I go to bed. Hopefully this won't cause too much shedding. I will then incorporate the foam in to the mornings before I style my hair.

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My hair has deffiantly got thicker since taking Propecia. Like I said I am only really experiencing hair loss at the temples and hairline but with a history of MBP on both sides of the family I decided I would get on it fast ages 27 to slow it right down. I would say that has worked but now I would like to regrow what I have lost at the hairline.


I don't think propecia will regrow a significant amount of hair but I would recommend it to anyone who is in the early stages of thinning or losing hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

well.. for me...I want frontal hair back..its shape like M ...also hair is thinner...


on Fin 1mg/day

krikland minox 5% 1ml - twice/day


shall I get back my hair with thikness?



Best Regards-



My Regimen

Minox 5% -1ml 2x/day | Fins -1mg /day | Niz 2% - |

Green Tea Shampoo


Planning to start Retina-A

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