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Why Do Men and Women Lose Hair?

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  • Regular Member

Hair loss (Androgenetic Alopecia) in men is caused by the shrinking of the hair follicle in the scalp, which leads to the hair falling out. This is caused by a reaction between an enzyme in the body, called 5-alpha reductase, and the naturally occurring testosterone in the body which creates dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The DHT causes the shrinking of the hair shaft (known as miniaturization) which ultimately leads to the hair falling out.


Hair loss in women can affect up to 25% of the female population on a global scale. Often women start to lose hair around menopause but that is not the only cause. The causes are usually a combination of factors and can include emotional stress, hormonal imbalance or dietary deficiencies. A hair treatment provide a tailored supplement which corrects any imbalance or dietary deficiency, which then allows the potent re-growth serum to work much faster.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 years later...

i recommend using those oils for hair loss

Clary Sage Oil

it contains high levels of phytoestrogen, which is well known to induce and promote hair growth.


Rosemary Oil

This oil is deemed to be essential due to what it actually contains of high levels of antioxidants which help improve and enhance circulation and blood flow; thus, increasing cellular growth and regenerating hair follicles.


Carrot Oil

Carrots enrich you with plentiful amounts of carotenes and other antioxidants.


It is also high in vitamin A, it is known to spur up and regenerate follicle and skin cells as well as to support in hair regeneration and reinforcement.


there are more from essential oils for hair loss such as Myrtle Oil and Horsetail Oil

Edited by Bill - Managing Publisher
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