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Spring Has Sprung As Well As My Hair


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When I first entered the office of DR. Panine I was hesitant to want to admit to Myself that I needed any service from them because in my mind this was just a temporary thing happening to Me. Never in My wildest dreams did I think that my hair was going to shed and start receding, I was always very healthy and in great shape. Well genes and stress changed My mind 360 degrees every time I was in the shower with shreds of hair coming out in My comb and hands. It was like I did not even want to look in the mirror and admit to myself that I needed help, and how lucky I was to find DR. Panine!


The atmosphere in his office is very comfortable and welcoming as well as the office staff and especially Stuart Rosenburg. He was very helpful in describing hair loss and how to treat it before and after surgery. After making the decision to undergo surgery I was feeling relief from My stress already, I almost could not wait to go back to have them work their magic!


The Day of My procedure I was very relaxed and welcomed to be spending the day with the Dr. and His staff and felt I was in very good hands and that everything about to happen was going to change My life forever. The recovery period was just fine because even for someone like Me who has enough vanity for three people I felt very special having everything go so smoothly and with no problems. I was treated with great respect and kindness by everyone.


Now eight months have gone by and all I can tell you is I love looking in mirror again and enjoying MY hair growing in that was transplanted so meticulously by Dr. Panini and his Nurses by My side the whole time. I am really just starting to fill in My hair and more and more is yet to come so I can only imagine how lush and full My hair will be. If you are considering having a procedure done take My word and do not hesitate to call his office (847-299-6519) and schedule an appointment right away.


Thank You Dr. Panine and staff for making My experience a joy to live with for the rest of My life,


Eden Willis

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Welcome and congratulations! I'm happy to hear that you had such a stellar experience with Dr. Panine and staff. I encourage you to share your pre and post-operative photos with us by creating a photo album or Hair Restoration Website.


One thing I'm curious about...your profile states you are female and taking Propecia (finasteride). Finasteride is not approved for use by females and should not even be handled by women who are or may become pregnant. It is highly unusual for a doctor to prescribe it even for post-menopausal women.


Would you mind clarifying if and why you are taking finasteride?



David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hi David. Thank you for the welcome and interest in My profile. I will in the future try to up-load some of My photos for reference and others to look at. As My profile was posted under Female, I have now changed it as I am Male and do take Propecia as prescribed properly to me.

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