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Brain fog issues with Finasteride

Guest mariewoltz25411697

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Guest mariewoltz25411697

I started using 1mg Finasteride about 10months ago. About 3-5 days after starting the medication, I was having symptoms of brain fog. I couldn't process things as fast as I used to. My cognitive ability was probably at 50% of its normal level. I do my PhD and I really need a sharp brain for my work. So, I discontinued the medication after about 2weeks. Few months later, I tried it again to check whether it really causes brain fog. Not surprisingly, it did. I have read it on other websites, where people complained having similar problems. However, I haven't come across any discussion on this forum. Is it only few people who experience this problem, or everyone else? Please share your experiences.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Well there are people that have claimed to have similar problems. Have you tried to mail the medical company that produces the finasterid ?

1 mg Finasterid M-W-F.

2,500 mcg Biotin.

1 mg 5 % Minoxidil once a day.


Fish oil.

Head and Shoulders every day.

Nizoral 2 % one time a week.

Emu oil.



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Guest mariewoltz25411697

The question is whether Finasteride made by few companies only have this problem? I am not sure whether there are cases, where one brand of Finasteride caused brain fog and others didn't. I think Finasteride is generic, and doesn't matter which company produces it. I complained it to FDA. But FDA didn't reply anything.

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The symptoms you report are documented side effects (impact on mental health for some, aka depression). Lowering the dose is a good move to see if you can get some benefits with lesser sides. At some point you will need to decide if the sides are worth the benefits.


Personally i wouldn't blunt my brain for cosmetic gain, especially a brain as good as yours. Very few individuals are PHD material. I'm an intelligent individual (top 5 percentile) as well and i was taking meds that caused brain fog after a few years of use (anti-depressant). I know what that entails. If you need to use your brain for a complex job or demanding studies where you have to constantly be able to learn new things rapidly then having brain fog when you can choose not to have it is a major competitive disavantage that you are imposing on yourself.

You owe it to yourself to try and find your answers elsewhere or be happy with the tradeof. To me that entails exceptional results and the acceptance that you will never reach your intellectual potential for as long as you continue using and experiencing brain fog if you have established a direct link which you appear to have done for yourself.

Edited by Sigildark
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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member
I started using 1mg Finasteride about 10months ago. About 3-5 days after starting the medication, I was having symptoms of brain fog. I couldn't process things as fast as I used to. My cognitive ability was probably at 50% of its normal level. I do my PhD and I really need a sharp brain for my work. So, I discontinued the medication after about 2weeks. Few months later, I tried it again to check whether it really causes brain fog. Not surprisingly, it did. I have read it on other websites, where people complained having similar problems. However, I haven't come across any discussion on this forum. Is it only few people who experience this problem, or everyone else? Please share your experiences.


I study psychology at a university in Denmark and i have decided to take minoxidil and finasterid at night. Have you tried this ? I know that many people take their regular medication at nightt if they get sides so they can sleep through it. Finasterid has a "short" halflife in the bloodstream so perphaps you wouldnt experienced the side effects the morning after. Also try and find Dr. Cooleys report on taking finasterid 1-3 times a week. because even thought it leaves the blood relatively quick it surpresses dht levels in the scalp for a weeks time. If i were you i would try taking it once a week at night and then after some time take it twice a week and in the end try and take it tree times a week. If your body protest at any of those levels just take it less frequently. If your body cant tolerate once a week then there nothing to do. But try it for a while i experienced sides for months before they faded. But you cant take medication without feeling some sides at all. Your body reacts to whatever jo injest. If you cant tolerate finasterid at all try reading about oral minoxidil. Dr Pat gives it to those patients that cant take finasterid due to sides.

1 mg Finasterid M-W-F.

2,500 mcg Biotin.

1 mg 5 % Minoxidil once a day.


Fish oil.

Head and Shoulders every day.

Nizoral 2 % one time a week.

Emu oil.



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There are a few who I've read to have similar problems with Finasteride. Maybe you should try cutting down on the dosage or instead of using it twice a day, cut down to 1 and then try what cardel25 said, and just use it at night. If it still doesn't improve the side effect and then maybe you should go to a doctor and seek consultation?

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Guest mariewoltz25411697

Thank your for your replies. I read Dr. Cooley's post and currently experimenting with twice a week. I need to wait for few days to comment on the side effects. I did more research on this topic. I came across a publication which was intended to investigate the minimum required dosage for affective scalp DHT reduction. The study concluded that 0.2mg/day is as affective as 1mg/day. So, I don't see a reason why it is often suggested to take 1mg/day.


Here is the reference to the publication.


Drake et. al., 1999, "The effects of finasteride on scalp skin and serum androgen levels in men with androgenetic alopecia" Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology,Volume 41, Issue 4, October 1999, Pages 550-554.

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Well the post Dr. Cooley made stated that it is almost as effective. I think that 1 mg inhibits app. 69 % of DHT level in the scalp while 0.2 mg inhibits app. 61 %. If i wasnt using generic proscar but propecia i would reduce my dosage to much less. I dont think that the difference is that big. And not woth the sides

1 mg Finasterid M-W-F.

2,500 mcg Biotin.

1 mg 5 % Minoxidil once a day.


Fish oil.

Head and Shoulders every day.

Nizoral 2 % one time a week.

Emu oil.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mariewoltz25411697

I am experimenting with Pregnenolone 30mg, on days when I have considerable brain fog and fatigue. Soon after taking Pregnenolone the fatigue seems to go away. Brain fog seems to be suppressed as well. It makes me feel calm. However, it does make me over active and gives me trouble sleeping. I took it in the evenings. Perhaps I should take it in the morning and reduce dosage as well. In US Pregnenolone supplement doesn't require a prescription. I am not quite sure other hormonal changes it would bring if taken regularly for a long period.

Edited by mariewoltz25411697
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