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any hair dye that doesn't hurt hair?


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Is there any hair dye that doesn't hurt hair?


I've been getting my hair colored for the last 3 years. I had a hair transplant about 5 years ago.


I think the quality of hair dye varies by salon. I used to go to one salon a few years ago and the hair dye always felt comfortable and my hair looked good.


Then I went to another salon about a year later and the hair dye stung my scalp. It started to effect the hair on my head and made the transplanted hairs noticibly thinner and some of it fall out temporarily.


Then I didn't get my hair dyed for a while and all the thickness returned to the hair on top of my head. At this particular salon I switched from permanent to semi-permanent dye later on and this didn't sting or make my hair miniaturize.


So is there any hair dye that is actually *good* for the hair and will make it *thicker*? I think I've read this about henna dyes somewhere but I'm not sure if that was just an advertisement.


So I wanted to see - what has your experience been with hair dyes, how has it affected your hair and what are you using now?

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  • Senior Member
hair dye stung my scalp. It started to effect the hair on my head and made the transplanted hairs noticibly thinner


So is there any hair dye that is actually *good* for the hair and will make it *thicker*?


So you believe the hair dye itself was changing the diameter of the new hair shafts emerging?? That doesn't happen. The sting can happen.


There is bleach and there is dye. Bleach is a Godsend for HT and balding guys. It makes your hair thicker and it reflects light, bouncing the light around the hair tips instead of letting it penetrate onto the scalp where it would shine up the oil and show off our baldness. It makes the shaft courser and thicker so that the scales of the shaft open up. It does make the hair more brittle and prone to breaking, but this is just a trade off that is well worth it.


The stinging is pain but that's all. Don't confuse it with your hairs dying, it's just dyeing. lol


Seriously, you can look at the % of peroxide. For me the higher the better(12%) because it colors the hair fastest. Then i add some color to tone down the bleach. That can sting at times. Use moisturizer around the edges of your hair to stop the burning on the perimater.

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