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My 7 weeks after HT result with Dr Pat. How to get haircut?

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Hey guys. Sorry I have not yet made a blog with pictures. I had my HT with Dr pat 7 weeks ago on my frontal forelock and temples.


Right now about 98% of frontal forelock hair has fallen off and i actually see tiny little hairs growing here and there. I am not sure if this is transplanted hair that is yet to fall off or new growth. It is hard to tell. I dont know if its early growth or not.


My temple hairs have shed only about 30% though. Most of the hair has stayed and has grown to around 1 inch already. These hairs have already framed my face quite well. I hope the temples stay and dont shed. Whats the chances of them still shedding after already grown around 1 inch?


My eyebrow transplanted hair has shed only 50% of its hairs. Most of it continously grows and i've trimmed them few times already.


My donor area and recipient area used to itch during early days after my HT. But then it stopped. Now the itching has started again a little bit. This is when i noticed little hairs in my frontal forelock region. Dont want to get my hopes up but i wish this is early growth.


I shall attach pictures soon to show my result so far.


The question i have is, how do i get a hair cut? If i go to the hairdressors, they'll see little hairs in my frontal forelock with long hair everywhere else. How did you guys get a hair cut? Did you just end up telling the hair dressor that you have had a HT?

Edited by akuma
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Although everyone is different, the general consensus is that the majority of transplant hairs will shed from anywhere between 2-7 weeks. I was a late shedder in my 2nd HT and didn't really shed till about week 5-6. I shedded probably 70% of my transplanted hairs.


In regards to hair cuts, I had my first haircut at around week 10. I told my hairdresser about the scar at the back and to leave the fringe medium length so that I could cover the transplanted hairline. I didn't really have a problem with her knowing about my HT.

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I told my hairstylist right away because I wanted her to understand what she was seeing and also know that I had long term goals for my hairstyle as my transplant matured. If you are concerned about discussing it public, why not call the salon and tell them over the phone?

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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