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Weaning Off Minox!


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I have had some hair thinning (diffuse ) while I was 23 and have been on minoxidil for the past 2 years. On the recommendation of my doc, I switched to a 10% minoxidil solution along with finpecia that I have been using for the past one year. The results have been pretty impressive, so far and it has mitigated my problem to a great extent.....The hair looks pretty good and it's almost back to before I had hair thinning.I reckon that the combo has been working really well (Alongwith nizoral of course)


Now, I have always had great skin and off late I have noticed that it has become a bit puffy or dry. (I am 25 now).


Is this possibly due to using a higher concentration of minoxidil?...I really don't want to appear as being in my 40's while still being in my 20's as certain studies insinuate that minoxidil hinders the production of collagen.


If I decide to wean of minoxidil, how must I go about doing it?... Ostensibly I still plan to stay on oral finasteride. For the record I have only been using minoxidil 10% once a day.


Should I opt for a 5% solution instead and see how it goes?.....I have been taking vitamin c capsules


Thank you for your feedback

Edited by leonardonw1
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  • Senior Member

It sounds like you experienced the best results when you started using the extra strength Minoxidil along with the Finasteride. It will be hard to judge which was responsible, but there's a good chance that it was the Fin. As you apparently didn't experience the skin problems on the 5% strength, I think it's best to drop back to that rather than ditching the stuff altogether. That's the safest first step as you obviously don't want to undo all that good work.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member

I agree with mattj above.

Stay on the lower mino instead of ditching it as a whole.

My friend uses the 15% that used to be sold & he's had excellent hair growth but now he's got 4-5 small bumps on his forehead where the lotion dripped on his forehead & damaged the skin!

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