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what do i do?

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Okay. I did a test for my last post, but this is the one I would like as much help as available with.


I am brand new to this forum, and have had 3 transplant procedures. The first two (1,000, then 1500) I got screwed over by Dr. Giannatto, because I was novice and insecure. The third was by Dr. Epstein (@ 2000) out of Miami who was awesome.


First thing I am wondering is if there is anything I can do about Dr. Giannatto's horrible work? I don't think so now that I had Dr. Epstein work on me, but just to check and see, I would like to know. The hairs are going every which way if I don't style them, and the scar was friggin huge!


I currently use rogaine 5% at least once, maybe twice a day, depending on work, and take propecia once a day, and do the hairmax laser comb once every other day for fifteen minutes.


I am contacting, becuase it seems like no matter waht I do to my hair, it never seems to be enough. I would like more hair in the temple area, and would like my hair to be a little thicker and fuller. For the money I spent so far, I feel like it should look a hell of alot better than it does, which it probably woul, had I seen Dr. Epstein earlier.


I am tired of the back of my head being in pain and I have had these three procedures done over the last 18 months. I would really just like it to be done, and have everything be only maintenance from this point on. It makes me very insecure when I have my hat off, and it is causing confidence problems in my dating life, where I used to be extremely successful.


In a nutshell, I am wondering if anyone would be kind enough to let me know what I should do to put this process to rest, as I will probably need at least one more procedure before I will be totally satisfied, but I would like that to be my last. I live in florida, and was considering Dr. Bauman. Also, if there is any shampoos that people have experience using that would thicken the hair shafts that would be great.


I apologize about the long post, but I have held back due to insecurity for a long time, and have a lot of questions.


Please help



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if hair loss is troubling you so much, you must get it done, and get on with normal life.. there are no pics, so i cannot comment on what you have so far.. have you seen Dr. Rose ? I have, he is a very nice man, down to earth, great surgeon, reasonable price too. Dont go by who has most albums, or who is most talked about... Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I am not a qualified medical professional nor do i work for any doctor, hence these are my personal and honest views. Hopefully I will benefit someone as I had benefitted from this awesome forum.


My HT blog - 2600 - Dr. Feller: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/blog/68/


photo album: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/albums/135

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close up pics of the recipient and donor area would help.


From what I understand, the hairs growing in wild directions is common for a few growth cycles. I only had 400 grafts done ages ago and I remember them coming out all cockeyed and finally straightening out.


Finally, you mention your donor scar is huge. How wide? Can you hide it with longer hair? If not, FUE's into the scar area or an excision of the scar might be necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by wantmorehare:

Okay. I did a test for my last post, but this is the one I would like as much help as available with.


I am brand new to this forum, and have had 3 transplant procedures. The first two (1,000, then 1500) I got screwed over by Dr. Giannatto, because I was novice and insecure. The third was by Dr. Epstein (@ 2000) out of Miami who was awesome.


First thing I am wondering is if there is anything I can do about Dr. Giannatto's horrible work? I don't think so now that I had Dr. Epstein work on me, but just to check and see, I would like to know. The hairs are going every which way if I don't style them, and the scar was friggin huge!


I currently use rogaine 5% at least once, maybe twice a day, depending on work, and take propecia once a day, and do the hairmax laser comb once every other day for fifteen minutes.


I am contacting, becuase it seems like no matter waht I do to my hair, it never seems to be enough. I would like more hair in the temple area, and would like my hair to be a little thicker and fuller. For the money I spent so far, I feel like it should look a hell of alot better than it does, which it probably woul, had I seen Dr. Epstein earlier.


I am tired of the back of my head being in pain and I have had these three procedures done over the last 18 months. I would really just like it to be done, and have everything be only maintenance from this point on. It makes me very insecure when I have my hat off, and it is causing confidence problems in my dating life, where I used to be extremely successful.


In a nutshell, I am wondering if anyone would be kind enough to let me know what I should do to put this process to rest, as I will probably need at least one more procedure before I will be totally satisfied, but I would like that to be my last. I live in florida, and was considering Dr. Bauman. Also, if there is any shampoos that people have experience using that would thicken the hair shafts that would be great.


I apologize about the long post, but I have held back due to insecurity for a long time, and have a lot of questions.


Please help




Am I able to do anything about Dr. G's work? He didnt do a very good job, and Dr. Epstein really fixed it up.

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