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thining hair need advice about products

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im a 22 year old female and iv noticed my hair is somewhat starting to thin... iv done research and im considering trying nutri ox 30 day system but i want to first see if anyone has tried this product... if anyone has tried or knows of anything better please feel free to post up your comments.. thanks..

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It's probally best to first find out the cause of the thinning in such cases it may be stress, or lack of nutrients the body needs. I'm not a woman but I used multivitamins from boots which contains 23 essential nutrients for the body and has all the vitamins required to grow hair such as vitamin B, B6, A, C Biotin, Zinc


Also try scalp massages as this definatly helps and circulate the blood in your scalp and to the hair follicles it then helps stimulate hair growth :)Can Scalp Massage Stimulate Hair Growth - Hair Loss Expert


If it is stress well i gess you just need to relax and do this



Another product i used is Castor oil, Now this definatly help thicken your hair and is worth using to see if it helps, you can buy this at your local shop.

Castor Oil: Hair Growth Treatment for Thicker and Healthy-Looking Hair | Castor Oil Uses



Here is a guide for other ways you can help regrow your hair, I hope i've helped don't worry your not alone :)

How To Regrow Hair

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