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Two years on Propecia--sudden symptoms


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I’m a 32 year old guy, and have been taking Propecia for, I think, a little over two years. After weighing the risks and benefits, I made the decision to go on it. For the first several months I was on the drug, I occasionally got mild testicular ache, but it eventually went away. After that, I had no real problems or side effects.


But now, for the past several weeks, the testicular ache seems to have come back. I’m not in excruciating pain by any means, and it doesn’t interfere with my daily life, but I am worried about it. I’m also noticing a dull ache in my prostate area, as well as in my lower back. I recently went to see my doctor for a routine physical, and told him about the symptoms I’d been having. I also told him I’d been on Propecia for several years.


The doctor told me I might have a prostate infection, but when he examined me, he said everything felt normal, and he couldn’t find anything wrong. The only thing he suggested was that I start wearing a jock strap for some kind of support. I’ve been trying it, and so far, it hasn’t really made much of a difference.


Anyway, I’m wondering if these symptoms could be side effects of Propecia, and if so, how alarmed should I be about them? Are they serious? It’s worrying me, because I don’t really know what it the problem is. I thought for certain the doctor would say it is a prostate infection, because the symptoms are so similar, yet it’s strange that he found everything to be normal. Of course, it probably goes without saying, I’m worried it could be something even more serious as well.


I also find it strange that I’ve been taking the drug, problem free for two years, and now all of a sudden, it seems to be acting up. The only thing I can think of that I’ve been doing different lately is that last month, I was going through a phase where I was worried about getting testicular cancer, and was checking myself excessively for lumps, sometimes three or more times a day (I ultimately didn’t find anything). During this time, I was pinching, poking and squeezing that area perhaps a little more than I should have, and maybe that somehow could’ve caused an inflammation in my prostate area. Pretty much the week after I stopped, I started noticing the symptoms I am currently having. I mentioned this to my doctor too, however he couldn’t give me a definite answer on whether or not this was a factor.


I don’t really know what to do. I would rather not stop taking Propecia, if I have any other option, but if it comes down to that, I’m afraid I might be forced to make a difficult decision.

Edited by Sharpy
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  • Senior Member
I’m a 32 year old guy, and have been taking Propecia for, I think, a little over two years. After weighing the risks and benefits, I made the decision to go on it. For the first several months I was on the drug, I occasionally got mild testicular ache, but it eventually went away. After that, I had no real problems or side effects.


But now, for the past several weeks, the testicular ache seems to have come back. I’m not in excruciating pain by any means, and it doesn’t interfere with my daily life, but I am worried about it. I’m also noticing a dull ache in my prostate area, as well as in my lower back. I recently went to see my doctor for a routine physical, and told him about the symptoms I’d been having. I also told him I’d been on Propecia for several years.


The doctor told me I might have a prostate infection, but when he examined me, he said everything felt normal, and he couldn’t find anything wrong. The only thing he suggested was that I start wearing a jock strap for some kind of support. I’ve been trying it, and so far, it hasn’t really made much of a difference.


Anyway, I’m wondering if these symptoms could be side effects of Propecia, and if so, how alarmed should I be about them? Are they serious? It’s worrying me, because I don’t really know what it the problem is. I thought for certain the doctor would say it is a prostate infection, because the symptoms are so similar, yet it’s strange that he found everything to be normal. Of course, it probably goes without saying, I’m worried it could be something even more serious as well.


I also find it strange that I’ve been taking the drug, problem free for two years, and now all of a sudden, it seems to be acting up. The only thing I can think of that I’ve been doing different lately is that last month, I was going through a phase where I was worried about getting testicular cancer, and was checking myself excessively for lumps, sometimes three or more times a day (I ultimately didn’t find anything). During this time, I was pinching, poking and squeezing that area perhaps a little more than I should have, and maybe that somehow could’ve caused an inflammation in my prostate area. Pretty much the week after I stopped, I started noticing the symptoms I am currently having. I mentioned this to my doctor too, however he couldn’t give me a definite answer on whether or not this was a factor.


I don’t really know what to do. I would rather not stop taking Propecia, if I have any other option, but if it comes down to that, I’m afraid I might be forced to make a difficult decision.


Its more then likely the drug....try reducing the dosage to see if that helps.. If not then you have a decision to make....Either keep taking it or risk your sexual well being.. Im not saying you will lose your sexual ability if you continue taking it, but the dull numbness cant be good over a long period of time. I SUSPECT, and this of course is only suspicion of mine, that the dull aches is your nuts trying to make DHT.....Either way you have a decision to make though..... Don't let anyone tell you any different. I have superior knowledge out of anyone on this forum about what this drug can do and has done to me......

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Thanks for the response…yeah, I know in terms of the risks, sexual dysfunction is one of the biggies… I don’t yet seem to have difficulty getting an erection, but I know that may not always be the case. I’m not very sexually active (not something I’m proud of, but alas, that’s been the reality of my life), I can’t say that’s number one on my hierarchy of concerns at this point. Though I can see how it could create potential problems down the road.


My more pressing concern is whether or not these symptoms could mean anything life threatening. I’ve always been aware that testicular ache is a side effect of the drug, so if that’s all I were experiencing, then it would be more easily explainable. But I haven’t been able to find much information about whether or not aches in the prostate area and lower back can be side effects as well. However, those are definitely known symptoms of a prostate condition. So far, the doctor says he couldn’t find anything wrong with me, but I’m wondering if the drug might be masking whatever condition I may have, as well as perhaps being the cause. I read that propecia shrinks the prostate, so even if there was something wrong, maybe the doctor just couldn’t tell by a standard examination? I already made an appointment with my doctor next week, so hopefully I’ll eventually be able to get to the bottom of it. If it turns out to be life threatening, then my decision will pretty much be made for me.

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the pain in the prostate is could very well be from Propecia.. A lot of ppl on the propeciahelp board have major prostate issues as well...


The back trouble as well... Let me ask you something, is it your lower back that is troubling you most?

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The ache seems to move around and fluctuate--at times, it's more in my lower back, other times, it's my testicles, prostate area, or sometimes in my penis.


What gets me is that the symptoms started up so suddenly--prior to that I was having no issues, and I've been on Propecia for a couple of years. I do suspect the drug may be a contributing factor, but I also think perhaps frequently pinching my testicles may have also aggravated it--as I said, that seems to be when it started.

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