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Minoxidil irritation, how much is too much!?!?!? Help, also this is a new program!


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I have been using wheredidmyhairgo products for the last 5 months. I also have been using lazer treatments at the hair salon and at home witha lazer comb.


I paid over 2300 dollars for this program, because this hair specialist expert man at a image salon. He said he has been doing this for over 40 years.


When I went in for an orientation the secretary and hair expert, told me that this program was scientificaly proven to bring back the hair I lost for the past two years.


this is the program I have been on for the last 5 months. I take dexpanthenol to get rid of the sebum on top of my scalp. I do lazer therapy at home and at the salon frequently. I take vitamin supplements twice a day. And he gave me some minoxidil with carrier klotion in it. He said it doesnt have all the alcohal regular minox does. I told him from the beginning that my scalp didnt like monoxidil and I had a bad reaction to it previously.


Any ways, I desperately signed up for this any ways. I have been using this wheredidmyhairgo products and my scalp has been very irritable. I asked the gexpert if I couold scratch it and he said ya as long as you dont scratch to hard and leave scars type thing. AS of now, my hair looks so bad I am so depressed about my horrible decision. I paid this man 2300 dollars just to fuck up my hair. Every where the scalp irritation occured I had top scratch and the hairloss increased so much in those areas. I thought If I would just get through this my hair would get used to this topical product and the theory behind it would work. I think I made the most horrible decision ever. At the five month mark, I still put this topical solution on my head. It's minoxidil with a little tweak I guess you'd say. I have been using moisterizing shampoo + head and shoulders to give my scalp some moisture and reliefe from the product drying my scalp out so much. I wear a hat all the time now becuz my hair loss has increased so much and my hair looks so crappy because minoxidil as every one knows from experience makes your hair look like shit.


It's been 5 months and I put the topical solution on my scalp at night, it isnt until the next evening where the irritation starts again.


Did I get scammed? What would you do if you were me? I think I wanna tell the world about my hairloss experoience it has been a shitty ride. I was on propecia for a year and half, and the only reason I would recomend people to doing that option is becasue minodil is horrible experience to go through and I dont know if my hair is going to come back. Every one complains about the sheds not coming back, but they say if your head sheds then that is indication of the drug working. Thats what my hair expert scammer guys says too. He tells me that my hair will return if I just stick with the program. Or is this irritation telling me that I should stop, and I'm not that lucky someone. I think I need to make every one aware of what this man did to me.

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I think it is safe to say that you got scammed:


1. Laser therapy has not been clinically proven or tested effective for hairloss

2. The "special" minoxidil you are using does not sound too "special"


If I were you:


Stop both the laser and minox treatments and get back on propecia. Why did you stop propecia anyways? Sides? The most effective hairloss treatment in my expereince is finasteride. It eliminates DHT which is the source of hairloss. It is clinically and scientifically proven. This laser garbage is a giant lie.


Once you have resumed propecia for several months I would introduce and try rogaine minox and see how your scalp reacts to it. It may be that you cannot take minxodil and instead have to do without.


In response to the shampoo routine. I use nizoral 3x a week and head & shoulders the rest.

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I talked with the hair pro guy today, when i went in for my lazer appointment. I've asked him every question known to man about hairloss and my situation. You rquestion "why did I stop taking Propecia" Well it never regrew any of my hair, if anything it did nothing. The positive side to nothing is, I guess you could say my hairloss was stable. Out of all the hariloss treatments I've tried propecia would be the safest when it comes to sheds. I mean for all we know the placebo effect could be doing the work.


This new program is based off products from wheredidmyhairgo.com I asked the hair pro today how much irritation is to much. He said its okay to scratch if there are no red spots or scabs occuring. He then related that to scratching your arm. He said all my hair is sheding because the prodducts are doing what they intend to do.


I already gave up the money, so I dont care about it anymore. I was gonna get a HT but this man told me I should stabalize my hair before I did that. When it comes to the lazer! He said that the studies have shown that propecia vs. lazer treatments, lazer treaments won by double the hair density and hair counts after one year.


In my case after 5 months the irritation has subsided, andf the shedding has also decreased. I havenet lost all my hair but a significant amount. He told me again today that I am at my turning point. He also said that another girl reacted to the products like me and shed for 6 months before it subsided.


I agree that this guy took a lot of money from me, butt the statements are strong in this post. Agree or disagree?

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Oh, and I stopped taking propecia because this new program seemed promiseing and propecia wasnt gonna regrow my hair just stabalize it if that. Trust me I took it for a year and half, and it never regrew anything. I switched to this new program which has DHT blocking supplents i take twice a day, and lazers and dexpanthenol to take care of the sebum, which it did, I went under a microscope attached to a computer and my scalp looks great.


This new program hasn't regrew any of my hair either, in fact my jhair looks worse now. However, the hair proguy said the hair will come back and the hair from previous years will too. Now Thats the kind of talk sold me. Sound like a scam? I gues it does. However when your desperate to save your hair at age 26 you'll jump on that boat.


The products I'm using are from wheredidmyhairgo.com you can research there if you 'd like.



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I also didnt say that the hair that shed, he said it was gonna shed eventually anyways. He said that the whole lazer treatments + hairloss drug I am taking is speeding up the hair cycle, thus making it fall out. the minox type product is suppossed to enlarge the follicles and make way for thicker hair. We already to know this about minox.


So what is missing? I'd say that I/m doing everything possible to fix my hairloss problem. Ggrsnted im not taking Fin (propecia) anymore but I dikd take it for a year and half + im taking the alternative pill supplements to propecia now. It's hair nutritional with DHT blockers. like i said if you have any comments research wheredidmyhairgo.com . I know hairloss companies make billions of us, but I've seen Minoxidil work on my mother! Once she hit menapoze her hair thickened up even more. So I know this stuff can work. i'm just trying to do something about it and keep a positive outlook on this. comments please

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Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) are the only two clinically proven and FDA approved medial hair loss treatments. Of the two, finasteride is typically the most effective at providing cosmetically significant results but using both in combination is considered to offer an enhanced effect.


Results vary widely from patient to patient. Some may not see any new growth/thickening but will experience slowing of the progression of hair loss. Although you didn't see any new hair growth, finasteride may have been working to slow the progression of future hair loss.


If finasteride really doesn't work for you, you can try herbal/natural treatments but they are highly unlikely to provide you with an acceptable aesthetic improvement and you may continue to lose precious hair in the meantime.


No medical/topical hair loss treatment is 100% effective but choosing not to use finasteride and opting instead for unproven treatments is simply throwing caution to the wind and money out the window in my opinion.


One other option you may have is Avodart (dutasteride). Although not approved to treat hair loss, some patients have found success with this when finasteride doesn't work.


Best of luck,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Oh, and I stopped taking propecia because this new program seemed promiseing and propecia wasnt gonna regrow my hair just stabalize it if that. Trust me I took it for a year and half, and it never regrew anything. I switched to this new program which has DHT blocking supplents i take twice a day, and lazers and dexpanthenol to take care of the sebum, which it did, I went under a microscope attached to a computer and my scalp looks great.


This new program hasn't regrew any of my hair either, in fact my jhair looks worse now. However, the hair proguy said the hair will come back and the hair from previous years will too. Now Thats the kind of talk sold me. Sound like a scam? I gues it does. However when your desperate to save your hair at age 26 you'll jump on that boat.


The products I'm using are from wheredidmyhairgo.com you can research there if you 'd like.





you should reconsider your sources. both this hair guy and wheredidmyhairgo.com are not good places to start. it is forums like this where the real information resides. as TakingThePlunge has stated. finasteride and minox are the only two clinically proven hairloss therapies by the FDA.


you should stop listening to this guy because he's a salemen. if you are going to continue beleive everything he says then thats your perogotive. but look at where it has gotten you. "worse looking hair"


my recommendation stands. get back onto propecia as you expereinced no side effects. this garbage program you are on isnt working and wont work.

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topical minoixidil made me itch like crazy and made my scalp sore and im sure i lost some hair because of that

i am now on rogaine foam and alpecin caffeine shampoo, and i have noticed hair gone alot thicker, im so sorry about your story man switch to the foam you will thank me for it


also... DONT vigorously towel dry hair

if you do use hair dryer DONT use the heat setting for the middle of your scalp, only the DHT resistent sides...


just few tips, good luck, maybe put some pics up?

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Well I'm kinda really upset about me losing 2,300 dollars now, and my hair looked really nice before i started this! What do you think I should do about this??

Edited by Yomommyz
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