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My name is Marlene and I would like to share my hair loss with you. I am 67 years old and had been losing my hair for quite some time. It was to the point that my crown was completely bald. My hair stylist finally recommended that i see someone for this. I met with Dr.Giannotto at HRG which is now Giannotto Clinic. They recomended a hair transplant of a 1000 grafts. I was skeptical but am I ever glad i did it. I had surgery 5 years ago and my hair is still growing and I love it. I followed through the laser treatments as well afterwards and still go in periodically for more. The doctor was very efficient. Any time I had a question or concern i was able to reach him and he was able to put me at ease. I highly recommend Dr.Giannotto and his staff. From beginning to end the service has been excellent and i am more than delighted that they were able to help me achieve my confidence again.

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Dr. Gianotto was my very first transplant doctor back in 1992-3 when he was with PHI in Chesapeake. That was back in the minigraft/micrograft days. Everything grew well. I just wish Finasteride was known about back then :D

Glad everything went well for you. He's a real decent guy.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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I went to two other hair restoration centers. Both were highly praised on this site. Both seemed very confident and capable. I have seen various reviews as I continue my search. it certainly appears that Dr Lindsey is the one to go to...I have heard nothing but great things about him.


What I don't understand is why if a Dr was so good and someone had a great experience with him/her, why would they have additional work with another Dr?


I have read several post and I am now wondering if some of these people are paid or "will work for grafts" type people, then how honest can their reviews actually be...:rolleyes:??


Based on the reviews and research I feel this particular review is just that....

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