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Dut and Propecia Help


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Hi guys im new though not new to hairloss kinda been out there trying everything, ive been on propecia for 8-9 years and though it worked well for all them years seems its lost its strengh and now in the last 7-8 months my hair has thinned out alot in the first 3rd of my head.


Now i want to go with DUT but im scared of shedding stories and hairline loss etc(as my hairline has thinned out enough and receded too lately)


I was thinking of taking DUT 3 times a week and propecia the other days so basically alternating between the two. As dont want to switch over to dut 0.5mg completely just in case it gives sides or massive shedding which doesnt stop:eek:


So maybe doing it this way gives me a chance to jump back on propecia again and stabalise(even though still losing hair) but may not be as bad as with the dut.


Do others here use both orr maybe made the move completeley and hapily to DUT and if so what were your experiences??


Can anyone help me out on this one, all comments would be sooo appreciate!.

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