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1600 FUE 8 weeks ago

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Hello all and thank you in advance for any responces as they are greatly appreaciated;


I was thinning in my temples pretty steadly the past 3 years I am 40 yrs old..I got 1600 fue 8 weeks ago and have been shedding from day 1. No pills or Rogaine my scalp has been sensititve so dr. said wait... I took alot of shots in my head during fue (many,many shots) is that usual and it took 2 days 16 hours total . The dr. just bounced in and out of the room the two days though "trained" his staff was there in pairs the entire time. Is that usual? Is there an amount of anestisia that may start to cause harm to the existing hair? Also 1600 does that equate to much at all filling in temple area,compaired to pictures I see of guys getting 3000 I am a bit concerned..Also from day 1 i really didnt see much some tiny hair very tiny really nothing then some scabs..I read other guys seem to see alot of hair right away?

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  • Senior Member
Hello all and thank you in advance for any responces as they are greatly appreaciated;


I was thinning in my temples pretty steadly the past 3 years I am 40 yrs old..I got 1600 fue 8 weeks ago and have been shedding from day 1. No pills or Rogaine my scalp has been sensititve so dr. said wait... I took alot of shots in my head during fue (many,many shots) is that usual and it took 2 days 16 hours total . The dr. just bounced in and out of the room the two days though "trained" his staff was there in pairs the entire time. Is that usual? Is there an amount of anestisia that may start to cause harm to the existing hair? Also 1600 does that equate to much at all filling in temple area,compaired to pictures I see of guys getting 3000 I am a bit concerned..Also from day 1 i really didnt see much some tiny hair very tiny really nothing then some scabs..I read other guys seem to see alot of hair right away?


Hi Max,


First, congratulations on the procedure! It's definitely a very proactive step and I hope you're pleased with the decision to 'take the plunge.'


Next, it's a bit difficult to say what's 'normal' during a hair transplant procedure, as there is a whole team involved and each individual is busy with an assigned task almost the entire time. It's definitely normal to see the trained staff assisting with the procedure (and trust me, the technicians are well trained and very capable), but usually the hair transplant surgeon is present and performing graft extraction for most of the procedure. It's likely that you may not have noticed him/her, or that he/she may have removed a certain number of grafts, allowed the technicians to trim them up a bit (something that is occasionally necessary in follicular unit extraction) and implant them while they were gone.


It's also difficult to say how much coverage you required/received from the set number of grafts, and I definitely recommend sharing some images with our community so we can get a better understanding of what you're looking at. Finally, the anesthesia is unlikely to affect the outcome of the procedure, and shedding is definitely a normal part of the process.


I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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