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Day 6 post-op - graft growth question!

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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone,


Am on day 6 post-op after 1500+ FUE grafts done in two sessions at the beginning of this week. All is well so far, but I have a question about graft growth and hope someone can help answer it!


Quite a few of the grafts are already growing - mainly the 2's and 3's, which is apparent from pics I've taken over the last 4 days. But there are other grafts which look fine, but are just staying the same stubbly length that they were transplanted as. Is this normal? I've searched Google for some answers, but have read several different things - one, that 'stunted' hair is detached from the follicle beneath the skin and will shed soon, and also that this hair might just be in 'rest' phase, stay as it is in the skin for some weeks, then start growing.


Also, do the grafts that have already started growing usually shed as well, despite their initial spurt? I was hoping they were just hardy hairs which were tough enough to shrug off the trauma of transplantation, but I know it's probably just wishful thinking... ;) Shedding doesn't sound very nice - I know I'll be willing those things to grow back quickly.


Thanks for your support and answers.



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