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8 months Post opt Dr Ross .. Concerns??

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So i posted a thread earlier this week with pictures but I didn't quite have enough light to do the real result justice that I see in the mirror.. Although I am happy with the results (from where I was), I am a bit concerned about the density and naturalness of the hairline.


I recieved 2500 grafts in both temporal regions .. In light, when I tilt my head the transplant is really obvious and the plugs are pretty spacious, which is what I was not hoping for.


I know I have many months to go, but how much density can I expect from here on out? I don't want to have to cover up my hairline every time I go out in order to avoid being detected. Should I consider another operation? Im hoping not, but who knows.


I went in for my half way visit the other week and was displeased as they had me meet up with the organizer/planner rather than Dr. Ross himself. Of course, she said it looked amazing ( why wouldn't she tell that to customers). I know I've made huge steps, but maybe I had unrealistic expectations of a full, natural hairline?



Here's to the upcoming months and a lot of new growth, and OPTIMISM rather than PESSIMISM!




(once again, the photos still dont do justice.. the camera cant pick up what a human eye does. the resolution on my mac isnt that great)









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I am coming up at the 8 month mark and like yourself, feel there is not enough density. I am hoping for more growth too. My appt with Dr Tania Pauls is on the 28th and I am hoping after careful inspection she assures me that I have new growth, thickening and lengthening ahead of me. Despite careful scrutinizing in the mirror daily, I can't tell. Frustrating. Like yourself, I don't want another procedure, but am already contemplating it.

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