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Just Had my HT


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I just had my transplant yesterday on Monday 11-22-10.


Here's my experience with Dr. Arocha in Houston.

The entire process for me was a great experience.

I feel like the it's more freaky going into it than the actual process.

The crew was amazing. Craig, Maria and Dr. Arocha.

Craig picked me up from my hotel at 7:15AM


I got my meds when i was there and after a few mins my injections were administered in the donor area. Must admit i hardly felt a thing.

As for removing the donor hair apparently i had tough skin but it was painless. iT was more just strange hearing your skin being cut but painless procedure.

I got to watch Craig and Maria cut up the grafts until Dr. Arocha started placing where the follicles would go.

After a while i was served lunch and we went back into the room for more placement of where the follicles would go and then the placement started.

The moment the Novocaine (er lidocane) started to wear off i was given more making the entire process mostly painless. A few pricks i felt but nothing bad at all. It was quite a lengthy process. took till about 7 at night. but that's to be expected with 3k FUT's right?


Now the first night wasn't so much fun . My stomach apparently didn't like the combo of pizza and meds so i had a rough first night. But today has been completely painless other than the tightness in the back of the head which is i'm assuming expected.


I went back in today for my post-op check up and got my hair washed all has been grea.t so far with minimal swelling.


So that's been my experience. I'm adding some pics to my website.


if you have any questions Hit up !


Good luck to all




Ready for the Road Ahead


HT Website


3092 FUT's

1 Hair - 688

2 Hair - 1812

3 hair - 692

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Congratulations! You are now an official member of the HT club. I often refer to this as the greatest club I wish I didn't have to belong to. :)


I know exactly what you mean about if being "freaky". I've stated on this forum more than once that I contemplated jumping out of the chair and running away up until seconds before Dr. Alexander made his first cut. I'm so glad I didn't! It sure does feel good once it's all over and you realize that you've done something good for yourself.


Dr. Arocha does great work and I'm happy to hear that you had world class experience. Please keep us posted on your progress.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I thought I'd make it easier for members to view the content on BrainFried's profile page by providing direct links.


I encourage everyone to stop by and view his pics and videos and leave your comments.



One Day Post-Op

Hair 5 days before surgery


Photo Albums:

Transplant Day...

Hair Loss Pics


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I finally linked my Website to the signature. Just updated post op day 2 and 3 with a new video as well. All seems to be going well. Itching hasn't been that bad. Today the swelling came out of nowhere and went to my eyes. But through the day it went down. I have lost a few follicles. So far it's only been like 3 or 4..That part doesn't concern me too much yet. I just hope it doesn't keep happening. So far all is good. I hope it stays that way!


Just a quick update!


Best to all

Edited by BrainFried

Ready for the Road Ahead


HT Website


3092 FUT's

1 Hair - 688

2 Hair - 1812

3 hair - 692

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