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excessive rogaine?


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  • Senior Member

Hi guys, i know the topic should be listed in another section but i reckon most guys browse this section so i will ask Bill to move it after we gather a few responses!


I learnt from some website that excessive rogaine will cause hair loss or something like that. Typically, it will be 6 shots of the liquid, day and night. However, as u all might know, rogaine does strengthen the hair and makes it look better so i usually shoot 6 times or more on each application.


Is there any logic that additional usage will cause hair loss? I understand that applying more has no added advantage but i am just wondering if it will cause any adverse effect!



View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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I have never heard of over use of Rogaine leading to more hair loss. However, it may lead to increased side effects such as scalp irritation and increased body and facial hair in my opinion.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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I've read one or two people that have claimed their hair has shed and not seemed to regrow on rogaine, but this is exceedingly rare even by "internet rumour" standards. I don't think I've ever read anybody claiming it's actually sped up their hairloss though.


There might be some confusion stemming from the fact that I've heard minoxidil lists hairloss as one of its "side effects". This is only in the sense, however, that the hairs may initially shed before growing back (and likely stronger) again. I can't see any scientific reason why minoxidil would cause increased, permanent hairloss.


Always best to stick to the recommended dose though!

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