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Need some help please


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Hi everyone, I apologize in advance for my lack of computer knowledge, I am hoping I am doing this right, I am in the beginning stages of thinking of getting a surgical hair procedure, I am now finally ready to admit to myself that if I want to avoid going bald, then I need to take action, I have seen some great recommendations on surgeons and my main question is can I afford it, I know this is probably a tough question because I am sure there are differences in pricing and depending on how much you need. But I do not make a lot of money, so is this even feasible for me to consider? I am saving up $5,000 but that is really all I can afford, so I guess my main question is, should I not even get my hopes up or should I? Sorry for the rambling.

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  • Regular Member


How old are you? How would you classify your hair loss? These two things should be considered. Because chances are you will still lose some hair as you get older (as most of us do). So.. you may be in for additional procedures - and need to spend more money. I kinda took the plunge on my first HT and then I was committed for the long haul. I've had three to date. I'm just being honest - if I had it to do over I might just shave my head and move on, b/c once you have the first one you're a lifer, scar and future procedures, etc. Hope this helps.

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Welcome to our community. I wanted to discuss a few issues with you before getting too detailed or ahead of ourselves! First, have you consulted with a dermatologist and confirmed that your hair loss is caused by genetic baldness and not some outside variable? Additionally, have you investigated any proven, non-surgical hair loss therapies like Rogaine/minoxidil or Propecia/finasteride? Finally, I highly recommend researching on our hair restoration discussion forums, and taking advantage of resources like our list of recommended hair transplant surgeons, free online virtual consults, and forum search function before moving forward. I hope this helps! Please, feel free to ask any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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