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My story-my opinion


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Hi everyone...I am new on this forum but I have read a lot from here...I am 23 years old and I am norwood 2 on my left corner of hairline and a norwood 3 on the right corner of hairline and I am thinning diffusely on top...it looks like I am going to be norwood 5 or 6 like all the males from my mother's side...it is not pleasant at all ...being in my age and loosing hair it's really a pain as you know...I've lost my confidence I was depressed and had suicidal thoughts! still have sometime but it is not so bad like half a year ago...I quit my job...I''ve lost my beautiful girlfriend(not because of hair...because I was depressed and acting weird)...and I missed all the university courses for 3 months or so...

as a treatment I started propecia 8 months ago...and the situation is even worse now...my sister has told me that my hair before taking this drug was in good condition...and she is thinking that this drug has made it worse...I explained her that is no sense in what she is thinking regarding the drug...but sometimes I tend to think that she's right! I still taking it ...I will give another 4 months to this drug and then I will quit it! I think the treatments are over rated...maybe for some guys are working and I am an unlucky guy...dunno...

now I am almost shave my hair at every 2 or 3 months...and I am avoiding as much as I can to not see my reflection in mirrors and other objects that are reflecting the light...I used to be a good looking guy...happy and very confident ...now I am like another person...

A few months ago I had the money for making a hair transplant...I have spoken with some surgeons...some told me that I need to wait much more...some told me that I can do that asap...for about 3 or 4 months I have researched every day results and forums that are related with hair transplantation...and after 4 months doing this day by day I have concluded that this is not I was thinking before and it could be a mistake that I will regret all my life... why? because I am considering that my hairloss will not stop here at this stage I am now...I will progress to a norwood 5-6...maybe my donor area will be depleted and I will look more weird than normal balding guy...and as a bonus...a huge scare at back...where I add more than 15000 dollars maybe...I have seen a lot of results...but to be honest only 2-3 % are good and I will be able to call them succesfull...I can not call succesfull a transplant that still have thinning hair and a huge forehead! this is just me...maybe others are happy with this! and...I've noticed that a lot of pictures of results are taken in not a good angle and light...maybe some are using even dermatech or nanogen on it... In my opinion a good candidate for this kind of surgery is a guy that is in the late 30's or his 40 with a thick donor and no more loss than a norwood 4! this is the ideal candidate for HT in my vision!


then I researched hair pieces/hair system / wigs...what ever you want to call it...I've seen impressive results...I talked with young guys that are wearing and they have told me that those things are changed their lives...they have send me pictures...and what I saw was a nice full head of hair...but I am still skeptical...because I never seen one in real life and never have one in my hands...so I took the decision to order some things that are necessary for maintenance... and I am still looking for a good supplier...because you know there is a stiff competence...and the seller of this are just want to make money...sometime they are looking to provide you good quality sometimes they are not doing this...I am a kind of perfectionist ...I always struggle to look well to buy good clothes...to look flawless...so trust me if this experiment is not going well I will not wear anything...I have attached some photos with people wearing ...those are the best I found...

take care! and I will appreciate any comment/advice/feedback...etc ...excuse my english... it is not native language!

btw...what really made me strong thinking at this solution are the celebrities that are wearing...ben affleck...had all kind of hairlines...max biaggi, ricky ponting, mark clanttenburg, enrique iglesias...yea...a lot of people are thinking that is wearing...and most of you are knowing that a man that was balding in his 20's at 35 or 40 he will be at least a norwood 4 if not norwood 6... and a tranplant will never make him look that way!


take a look at his latest video












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  • Senior Member

Can you explain the photos? Are they all you and are they all current?


The hair in the photos doesn't look bad at all, and what you describe - NW2-3 level recession - isn't the end of the world. If you were good looking before hairloss then a bit of recession will not change that.


You feel your hair is getting worse, but this could just be the initial shed caused by the propecia. This is common and should improve if you give it a chance.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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no...no....those are men wearing hairpieces... seeing those fotos and some others that some young people are wearing has pushed me try a hairpiece in the next few months...It is not that I am norwood 2 but I am thinning on top diffusely...I am conscious that in a few years i will be a norwood 5 or 6!I had made the mistake to expose my e-mail address once on a forum about ht in my country...and a lot of young guys between 20-28 are asking me about this procedure...they don't have a clue about it ...they think that it can bring a full head of hair in some months...they didn't know that for some guys is one of the biggest mistake that they can do...maybe I will use a HT for making a natural hairline and use also a piece behind it...

regarding propecia...I told you I am int he 8 month of it! and no improvement...regarding the shedding...I forgot to tell you that I never had a shed...m hair is not growing back anymore! so I am thinning slowly because the hair is going to the tellogen stage and some of them remain that way...not growing back...

hope the guys with hair multiplication will find a solution more quickly!

thanks for reply!

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  • Senior Member

You feel your hair is getting worse, but this could just be the initial shed caused by the propecia. This is common and should improve if you give it a chance.


This is true! I didn't start seeing improvement in the crown until the 7th month, now it's really taking off. Give the meds at least a full year before reevaluating.


And I always wondered about Enrique, but that is a big difference in his hair. Something is up!

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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