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Advice for a Newbie

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You know those old sayings, "if you're mom's dad is bald...your dad's dad, uncle, your brother..." Well it doesn't really matter which relation you pick. I'm screwed. If you go back to my step mother's father, still screwed. Luckily I don't need any forecasting. I'm definitely thinning, on my road to full male pattern baldness like my father, fathers father...you get the idea.


I'm 20 years old. A college student. I don't want to be known as, "you know Joe's bald friend?" at my age. It's embarrassing being the only guy in at college NOTICEABLY losing his hair. I'm looking for lower cost, effective solutions. I'm uploading a couple pictures to show you exactly where I'm at, and would really appreciate your expertise. I also put one i where my hair's cut really short. It's usually a lot longer.


I don't want a hair transplant or anything, but if you could give me a breakdown, like Norwood stage, and especially a recommended drug cocktail regimen. I've really just started accepting how bald I am and starting to research treatments, so I basically know nothing. If you could tell me the best-preferably generic- treatments, and especially where I can get them reliably (walgreens? walmart? sams?) I really have no idea. Also is there a general consensus on the most trustowrthy internet sites? I'd still prefer brick and mortar's though, preferably somewhere with a self checkout line haha.


Seriously though, thank you all.







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I feel your pain! Like many guys here I also started losing my hair too young. You've come to the right place!


First off though, you've got to understand something. There are thousands of members on this forum and we all want lower cost and effective solutions. Don't fall into the trap of buying expensive and ultimately useless products. There is no shortage of snake-oil peddlers in the world of hair loss treatments.


Presently, there are only two clinically proven and FDA approved treatments for male pattern baldness. One of these is Rogaine (minoxidil) and the other is Propecia (finasteride). Many hair loss experts believe that using these drugs in combination enhances their effects. Beyond this, you may want to add Nizoral shampoo to your regimen every three days or so. It is believed that the active ingredient in Nizoral (Ketoconazole) may offer some mild DHT blocking.


It's good that you are not interested in hair transplant surgery at this time. At your age, you are likely not a candidate. However, you should consult with a physician and discuss the treatments I've mentioned. While Rogaine is available over the counter, you will need a prescription for Propecia.


Now for dollars and "sense"...(see how I did that?)...As a college student concerned about the bottom line, your best bet will by to purchase generic minoxidil (many guys including my use the Kirkland brand) and generic finasteride. The trick with finasteride is to get a prescription for generic Proscar 5mg and quarter the pill in order to get it closer to Propecia's 1mg dose. By doing this, you will save hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. I spend a total of about $8 per month on my minoxidil and finasteride combined.


I highly recommend using the search feature of this forum to research these medications a little more. There are side effects to consider.


I hope this helps! All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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ya i totally agree. gather all your information before you decide to do anything involving ht.


i have been on this site for awhile and am still debating on whether to get ht or not.


try those products mentioned and keep us posted on what happens.

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