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WONDERFUL Aug 18th Hair Transplant with Dr. Friedman & Staff :-)


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Aug 18th I had my Hair Transplant with Dr. Shelly Friedman and his Staff; total grafts 3533

It was a WONDERFUL experience! I

I had been putting off my needed transplant for along time, because 16 years ago I had a painful experience with my first on back in Pittsburgh, PA. Over the past 3 months I visited with all the HT Network recommended Dr.s in Arizona and walked away most impressed with Dr. Friedman for a number of reasons.

1) Experience and sharing of detailed knowledge of the procedure

2) Photos at his office of past clients and the ability to call and visit with clients( which I did for Him and the other Dr.s, in AZ that I visisted with. One of Dr. Friedman’s patients is a local television personality I see on TV and never knew he had one) All of Dr. F’s patients were very impressed with their procedure, had amazing results and all were busy business professionals such as myself

3) The quality of his facilities ( I had a consultation with another Dr. where, like all the others, was just an office, and as I walked down the hallway to the consultation room of one Dr. I actually walked past and saw the staff dissecting hair grafts in a room with no door and connected to the hallway, that scared me right away, Dr. Friedman had everyone in a clean and sterile medica/surgicall room, this too was very comforting to ss ) and…

4) Dr. Friedman uses IV Valium injection in the arm prior to the Head injections !! ( no other dr. offered that and I can now say that going through his procedure…. It is the ONLY way to go !! Like I said before, I had a procedure done before from a different Dr. and those shots in the head were EXTREMELY painful, This was not the case with Dr. Friedman, there was little or no pain. As the TV personality I spoke with and asked about the pain of the procedure his response was “What Pain ???”


16 years ago I had a traumatic hair transplant experience that was VERY VERY painfull. Not the entire procedure but painful with the injections . Dr. Friedmans IV Valium along with Adrianna’s way of slowly injecting the Anesthesia shots in the head and following all progressive shots in line near the end of the numbed area from the previous shot afforded me little of no pain ( Adrianna has been with the Dr. for 9 years, her skill in slowly delivering the medication and following the shots along the Anesthetized areas mad for a great experience. ( I actually fell asleep for a while during the harvesting of the donor region and the suturing of the donor area !!).

AND HERE IS EVEN GREATER NEWS. All dr. I consulted with, including Dr. Friedman anticipated a graft yield of somewhere around 2500 + grafts.

Dr. Friedman got me 3533 GRAFTS. He densely packed the single hair grafts in the front area and being aware of my being a smoker ( 1 to 1 and 1/2 packs a day), he placed the additional multi hair grafts at a slightly less density to assist with better blood nourishment surrounding those multi hair grafts and therefore maintain his track record of patients receiving great growth yields.( This was also comfortable to hear because that is exactly what I read posted here as a beneficial placement strategy for heavy smokers )

It is now 36 hours post op and I have little or no pain, I have no visible swelling ( Dr. Friedman provided me with Prednisone that I take each morning to assist with reducing any swelling potential ) and all grafts are firmly in place.

Yesterday, The day after my surgery I went back to the Clinic, which is their protocol, to have all grafts examined, a hibiclens wash and suture area cleaning along thorough review of my tasks of wound cleaning as Ramona guided me every step of what she was doing.


Thank you Dr. Friedman, Thank You Adrianna, Thank You Jessica, Thank You Ramona!!

I will be posting picture soon from both my camera ( before and after the procedure and they said the will send me photos they took of me as well. I even got some great shots of the actual procedure.

Best of Luck to all who are searching for their favorite Dr. I know it takes a lot ot time meeting with every dr. available, contacting all of the patients for their input and the anxiousness/ apprehension/ and fear that go along with making the final decision. I for one, and extremely pleased that I went through that entire vetting process and chose Dr. Friedman and I am even more please that it is now done.

Best of luck to all !! ( I will soon be posting many photos and creating a patient site on the network here. )

A special thanks to this HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK and ALL who POST, this forum as been of GREAT help for allowing me to do extensive research and contact others and the staff of this site for answering questions.

THANK YOU Hair Transplant Network, Thank You PAT, Bill, TakingthePlunge and all who have posted.






Edited by colivre
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  • Senior Member



I'm glad to hear about your positive experience with Dr. Friedman. I hope you'll keep the community updated on your continual progress! Good luck.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member



It's great to hear that you had an excellent experience with Dr. Friedman! I look forward to the creation of your Hair Restoration Website and following your progress.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thank You Future HT Doc,


I am so very gratefull for this site as I went through the process of choosing a surgeon. You are doing great things to help all of us so that we can find doctors like Dr. Friedman.


I will be documenting and posting my progress. I brought a camera with me to the surgery and they took photos of me while I was having procedure. ( They have really freaked out my Wife and daughter :-)


I am presently researching on how to create a Hair Loss Website to track the progression.


Again I Thank you Future HT Doc and All your HTN Staff. Thank you for your site and assisting with the research so I could ask the right questions, find the recommended physicians and finally decide on a quality surgeon.


Happily Transplanted with 3533 !!

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7 Day Post Op with Stitches Pic Posted :8/25/2010

The area of the Grafts never got any scabs or bruising during these 7 days. I can feel all of the little hairs all over the head. ( even though I know I need to go through a shedding process, I still love the feeling of all thos 3533 all over the head. 600 singles and 2933 multiples, 2s, 3s and 4s






Our daughter didn't get the greatest focus on these but I will be adding before and after through this post where you can really see the difference



My wife and I have been diligent on following the post op cleaning instructions for the suture. Some of these shots show how clean it is for only 7 days.









So this is 7 days with 3533 grafts. No Pain, No Scabs, No Swelling. Like I said before, I recognize from what I have read that I still have the shedding process to go through but WOW does it feel good to feel all those little hair stubbles all over my head !! :-)

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  • Senior Member



Thank you for uploading the new pictures! The work still looks very refined, and I think you're going to have an excellent result (nice density and a pencil thin scar) when fully matured. I really look forward to watching your case progress. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member



Once again, congratulations! And, just imagine, this is only the beginning! I still run my fingers through my hairline and can't believe how great it is to no longer feel nothing but smooth scalp.


Happy growing!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 7 months later...

Hello Coliver,

I've had HT with Dr. Friedman 5 days ago and I've had simliar experience, and been very happy with his work. The only difference is that I've had some swelling but that did not bother me.


Please, post new pictures.,,,,,thank you

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