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Need instructions on measuring hair shaft diameter using microscope

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  • Regular Member

Hello all,


i own a lab grade stereo microscope. Can I use it to measure hair shaft diameter? If so, kindly provide instructions. Do they make glass covers for slides that include a micrometre ruler scale?


I plan on characterizing and studying my own head to measure the efficacy of any possible future treatments as well as see if stopping wellbutrin has any effect on hair shaft diameter, growth rate density.


In addition, I plan on looking at samples of my male relatives for fun and to see if any patterns/trends emerge.

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I recalling reading about an at home miniaturization test online. Essentially, the test said to pluck two hairs from your head: one from the universal safe, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) resistant zone and another from a thinning area. Next, the test said to put the two shafts next to each other on a piece of tissue paper and try to comprehend the difference in diameter. Now, this seems a bit difficult to me personally, but it may be possible to differentiate with your microscope. Good luck, and keep us updated if you are able to measure the differences in diameter!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I've done up close visual and tactile inspection by comparing different strands on my own head and with my brothers hair garnered from a shower drain.


He has straight hair while I have wavy hair. It's easy enough to determine subjective measures such as refraction by holding strands up to a bright lamp, but visually determining which hairs are thicker and then trying to group them is like splitting hairs.


My initial thoughts that a slide or glass cover with a micrometre ruler etched onto it would be a practical solution. Only difficulty I can think of is the shape of the cross section.


I've come across an 'ocular micrometre' but I don't know the price.



I also found a method measuring the refraction of a hair using a laser pointer. I haven't worked out the math to see what kind of variance result from errors in measurement, but it does seem prone to deviation. I'm pretty darn serious about this, and would like to be scientific about the accuracy part.


Easy method



Cool science page

The Internet Foundation - Notes - FBI - Width of a Human Hair

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