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Guest dude1

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I recently sent for some Nioxin and I like the stuff. But after reading some of the comments on the web from users who claim it's too pricey and may have some unwanted side effects such as shedding, I'm beginning to wonder if it's for real. Add to this one of the Nioxin websites claims that hair loss is caused in part by a certain parasite living in the hair follicles and this makes me suspicious. If this were true wouldn't we hear this from doctors.


I hate to play devils advocate but I'm beginning to wonder ... Not to downgrade how you feel about it (I like the feel of it too) but is it for real??? And at over 30 bucks a bottle ... wow!


What do you guys think?

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I recently sent for some Nioxin and I like the stuff. But after reading some of the comments on the web from users who claim it's too pricey and may have some unwanted side effects such as shedding, I'm beginning to wonder if it's for real. Add to this one of the Nioxin websites claims that hair loss is caused in part by a certain parasite living in the hair follicles and this makes me suspicious. If this were true wouldn't we hear this from doctors.


I hate to play devils advocate but I'm beginning to wonder ... Not to downgrade how you feel about it (I like the feel of it too) but is it for real??? And at over 30 bucks a bottle ... wow!


What do you guys think?

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Personally, I don't know what Nioxin accomplishes medically, but I know that I like the "feel" of it too. I guess I suse it in addition to Nizoral 2% out of habit and personal taste more than anything. As far as price, in the hair salons at the mall I get them for around $20 per bottle and that is the large sizes. If I were you and you were still interested, try that route instead of the website if that is where you are getting it now.


If you are completely turned off by Nioxin, here is a list of topicals (there are some shampoos under the links) that you may want to look into.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Shampoo is only on your head for a couple of minutes, tops. I'd be shocked to learn that a shampoo did anything for hair loss. People sometimes recommend Nizoral, but a lot of that is due to Nizoral's supposed usefulness in combatting scalp irritation from Minoxidil. On it's own, I doubt Nizoral does much in battling hair loss.


The main reason to use a shampoo is because you like the way it makes your hair feel. If that is worth the money to you to pay for a boutique shampoo to you, that is valid.


I suppose it's possible that some shampoos can temporarily make your hair shaft diameter to appear to be coarser, and as a temporary fix that may be worth paying for. But a shampoo is not going to affect the root of the problem, the root of the hair follicle.


My hair is extremely fine, so if there was a way to make hair shaft diameter thicker, I'd love to know. Hmm, maybe I should try Nioxin myself.


The VIVE conditioner I tried seemed very good, and it was just a couple or 3 bucks, if I remember correctly. I also like Thicker Fuller Hair, which was about 6 bucks a bottle.

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