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Question about Dr. Madhu


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So I was wondering, I've done a few consults and have also done an online consult with Dr. Madhu. Dr. Madhu actually shaves the heads of his patients or you have to pay extra to have the procedure done without having your head shaved. I've never heard of this before. Is this at all common? I wouldn't ever want to shave my head as I'd like to use my hair to coverup the implanted regions. Also he charges extra for absorbably sutures, meaning if you fly in for a procedure you probably need to pay the extra for the absorbably sutures. I was wondering if this is all common place or if this is a bit of a reflection on the differences between the quality of work you can get done in the US as opposed to abroad in places like India.

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Can you explain why you believe the pricing schedule relates to "quality of work"? That doesn't seem to make any sense.


If you have 3000 grafts at Dr. Madhu's without shaving and with absorbable stitches, you will pay $3600. Which amounts to $1.20 per graft. Have you found a deal in the US in which you can get the same for even twice that price?


As to the schedule itself, Dr. Path told me that my first transplant took a few hours longer than normal due to not shaving. I suppose that a lot of physicians that do not require shaving simply build this into the price.


1st HT with Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, Bangkok, Thailand - 18 JUL 07 - 3300 grafts (FUT) - US$6,930


2st HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 31 JUL 10 - 2249 grafts (FUT) - US$2,200


3rd HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 26 JUL 11 - 320 grafts (FUE) touch up - US$0


My Hair Loss Weblog


My opinions are my own. I am not paid by, nor do I receive any benefits from ANY hair-related website, clinic, or doctor for my posts.

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  • Regular Member

I wasn't saying that the price was relating to the quality of work, in fact I didn't talk about a pricing schedule at all, I simply had a question on the optionality. I was curious as from my consults that I've done, the options that Dr. Madhu provided were givens. In the sense that all the doctors I spoke to didn't ask you to shave your head nor were there sutures that needed to be removed. Therefore, I was more curious as to perhaps if the procedure differed from a typical FUT transplant in the states. It appears from what you're saying, that the procedure is the same it's just that the reason one pays extra to have Dr. Madhu work on a Shaved head could be due to the fact that it requires a bit more time. Well if that's the case thanks for the feedback.

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Re: shaving, i felt that it really have to depend on your hair loss. For Tom, i reckon he was a NW5 before HT 1 ( Tom, correct me if i m wrong mate ) so not shaving is not really an issue. For those NW 3 and below, i reckon it is not just tedious for the techs, but also potentially dangerous. Techs are humans after all, and imagine there is still quite a bit of hair blocking their view. I somehow feel there will be more mistakes of accidentally transecting the existing hair. I prob belong to between NW 2 and 3, so to avoid such, as advised by Dr Pat, i opted to shave. A few months of looking like a weirdo is nothing compared to getting a higher chance of a successful HT. I will take that bet anytime :)

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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Hi vinny, like i said, it depends on your doc and your level of HL.

If u are like NW 5 and above, i dun think there is much to shave in the first place, no offence!

However, u probably have an option if u are NW 3 or less though i think most docs prefer to shave. There are a few who do not require though.

hope that helps!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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For Tom, i reckon he was a NW5 before HT 1 ( Tom, correct me if i m wrong mate ) so not shaving is not really an issue.


At least that, wb. :)


I'm not sure why Vinny is taking the stance that he wasn't talking about the pricing schedule. Charges for shaving and stitches are as much a part of the pricing schedule as the price per graft. In any event, wb280 is exactly right. Shaving makes things faster and easier for the doctor and that means the price is lower--in this case--for the patient.


Maybe instead of adding a charge for not shaving, physicians could mark up the price a bit and have a discount FOR shaving. This kind of pricing schedule tends to reduce customer dissatisfaction. (Yeah, I'm a marketing prof.)


This psychology works just as well in my classes: When I deducted points from students for not attending classes, I got a lot of complaints. But when I started giving bonus points FOR attending classes--POOF--the complaints were gone. In the end, the result is the same. But in the 10 years I have been doing this, I have only had ONE student that actually had the 'nads to say, "I wasn't there, but could I get the points anyway?" LOL.


Likewise, it is hard to imagine someone saying, "I don't want to shave, but could I still get the shaving discount?"


1st HT with Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, Bangkok, Thailand - 18 JUL 07 - 3300 grafts (FUT) - US$6,930


2st HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 31 JUL 10 - 2249 grafts (FUT) - US$2,200


3rd HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 26 JUL 11 - 320 grafts (FUE) touch up - US$0


My Hair Loss Weblog


My opinions are my own. I am not paid by, nor do I receive any benefits from ANY hair-related website, clinic, or doctor for my posts.

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Tom, Checked your profile and results are impressive. You haven't mentioned its Stirp or FUE. Could you also share your experience with Dr.Madhu. How do you rate quality of HT in Hyderabad against US.

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pnrs, i see that u are a new member! welcome!


Tom had strip surgery done.


As for the experience, he had his first HT done in Bangkok under Dr Pat who did my surgery as well. you can read up his hair loss blog and mine. We have written in detail the entire experience


hope it helps!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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  • Regular Member

Hi Vinny,


Even I was wondered when I heard from Dr madhu about different prices with out shave and shave for HT. I never heard before But you will heard different things like this from him.


I suggest you to meet the patients and decide .

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
pnrs, i see that u are a new member! welcome!


Tom had strip surgery done.


As for the experience, he had his first HT done in Bangkok under Dr Pat who did my surgery as well. you can read up his hair loss blog and mine. We have written in detail the entire experience


hope it helps!


Thanks for answering for me while I was away! :)


1st HT with Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, Bangkok, Thailand - 18 JUL 07 - 3300 grafts (FUT) - US$6,930


2st HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 31 JUL 10 - 2249 grafts (FUT) - US$2,200


3rd HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 26 JUL 11 - 320 grafts (FUE) touch up - US$0


My Hair Loss Weblog


My opinions are my own. I am not paid by, nor do I receive any benefits from ANY hair-related website, clinic, or doctor for my posts.

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