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Pics of razor shave after FUE?

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I'm considering going this route now rather than pursuing more grafts but I have no idea how it would look. I've shaved the donor area with no guard and there is some noticeable scarring after 1000 FUE but nothing I can't live with.


The question I have now is regarding the donor hairline which is a bit concerning. At this point I don't want to shave down to test it because the growing phase would be worse than before since a bit more loss has occurred.


There are some spots that are pretty much still bare after FUE and I cannot see much scarring up close but I have a feeling that might change from afar. I do tend to heal small scars nicely on my face but I'm not sure how 1000 in close proximity would look. The punch used was 1mm.


I'm aware of laser and dermabrasion but I have no idea how they work, the effectiveness in this scenario, or who would be reputable.

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Often the delicate incisions made in the recipient hairline area do not leave visible scars. The type and size of surgical blades that were used to make the recipient sites and the skin characteristics of the patient are important factors. You would have to try out first before you considered laser or dermabrasion.

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Thanks doctor, I don't think the scars are very apparent if at all but the human eye is really good at picking out slight imperfections. You're right in that I won't be able to tell what I will look like without taking the plunge, but I was hoping there would be some pics out there.


I do have some discoloration in the recipient zone and it seems to trigger after a hot shower but subsides quickly. I am obviously very apprehensive venturing into razorland because I only had the HT in the hairline which will be easily discernable if anything is even slightly off. I'll probably have to do it at some point though since HTs are just not sustainable for me at the rate I'm going.

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I had it last November and I wasn't very happy with it to begin with (non-coalition). I can't say that I can visibly see results but it doesn't really matter as my top is going fairly quickly now too. I might've gone for another FUE if the top was more stable.


Oddly, Finasteride seemed to work incredibly well in the first few months but now I have started to noticeably shed again so I am about to concede to the inevitable. I'm likely going to keep on the meds for another year just in case, but if things keep going they way it is then I'll just be wasting money after that.


I think I'm going to be shaving down sooner rather than later but I'm very apprehensive of the recipient zone appearance. I have enough native hair to conceal them on a #1 shave but I'm uncertain of how a 0 or razor would look. The donor area is a bit noticeable with a 0 buzz but it doesn't bother me with a full top. However if the hairline is as noticeable then I am going to be in trouble. Even if the scars are more superficial, the wounds in the recipient area are far more concentrated.


I seem to have a lot of flaky skin on my scalp... its not that apparent as dandruff but I can certainly see it flake off in moderate sized chunks. Its pretty itchy too at times. But I am hoping the constant skin shedding might help fade the scars even though I can't really see any at the moment.


I guess to be more specific I just want to see the recipient zone razored from any HT, not just FUE. I think it will give me a better idea of how to plan for the future.

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