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my frustrating story


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I am 25. had a really rough patch last year with med school board exams and a pretty bad breakup right before. a little less than a month after exams and the breakup, my hair just started falling out... by october i had probably lost about a third. i had really thick hair to begin with, so it didnt look that awful, but it was noticeably thinning. i had been using liquid rogaine for a couple years prior to this because ive always been a little bit paranoid about losing my hair. in fact i had been on propecia for 4 or 5 months when i was 22 but stopped due to side effects. so i guess my hair has a tendency to shed.


anyway, it got to a point last october where the hair loss was bothering me and i was so paranoid that i saw a dermatologist. i had major itch and inflammation of my scalp that the doctor said could be an allergic reaction to the liquid minoxidil... it really made my scalp flake a lot. so they told me to stop using it and see what happened. i stopped for about a month. it was around this time (early december) i figured id start propecia again, but only at a half dose to keep side effects from occuring. about a week and a half after taking the half dose, i decided to screw it and take the whole thing due to fear of losing my hair. looking back this was probably because excessive shedding that started in response to the half dose of propecia. i started to use 2% ketoconazole 3 times a week, along with the Min New York Detox regimen on the off days. I also take daily ginseng, omegas, resveratrol, turmeric, and biotin.


at the end of january the dermatologist did a scalp biopsy due to persistent redness/itch. they suspected it could be lupus and just wanted to know for sure. the result came back showing a couple telogen effluviums but mostly indicating male pattern baldness. due to the stress of school and premature graying, the doctor said i was most likely going to lose my hair eventually but stress may have made it occur quicker.


shedding continued and continued... probably until early april. i did experience lack of libido and decreased morning erections but i could gain an erection when i wanted. i was not sexually active at this time so i wasnt really able to guage a performance difference. however, my hair was noticeably much thinner. i was paranoid but hoped that it was the normal response and i would start growing back hair, so i stuck with the full dose despite side effects. It was at this time i started using rogaine again, but this time the foam due to the possibility that i mentioned before about allergic reaction to the liquid.


from april through may my hair really started to look better. not sure if each root thickened or of there was more hair, but i was getting comments left and right (from people who i had told that i was losing my hair) that it was looking much better.


Around the end of may i had a death in the family and some personal matters that i needed to address, so a psychiatrist wrote me a prescription for Wellbutrin. I had read that it could potentially cause hair loss, but considering that I was using the Big 3, I felt pretty confident about my hair growth.


At the end of June I started noticing my hair was falling out a little more than usual. My hair looked thick still so I figured maybe i was just being paranoid. About a week after this a girl that I was seeing and had sex, and I was unable to maintain an erection... first time in my life this had ever happened to me. I wasnt really devastated, I just knew that it was because of the propecia. I had read many studies saying that .5mg was just as effective, so the day after i started taking the half dose daily. I figured id wait it out and see. the side effects reduced dramatically. my penis was alive again as strange as that sounds.


Hair was still shedding at an increased rate, so I started titrating down my wellbutrin dose thinking that was the culprit. Tomorrow I will be off it completely. I got a haircut last week, and my hair is thinner than it was last month, but thicker than it was at the end of last year, but its still falling out... Since i started noticing the shedding a month after starting wellbutrin and before cutting the propecia dose in half, I am attributing it to the wellbutrin at this time. i'm hoping the shedding is only temporary and will reverse now that i am off it.


I guess I am just looking for some input. what do you all believe about the studies that say .5mg propecia is just as effective as 1mg? Since I got side effects at the full dose, I'm assuming I am an over responder and this dose should be efficient. I live in Florida and have seen physicians from around this area post on these boards. They seem knowledgable; maybe I should see one of them. At the same time I know that I am doing everything medically possible... except getting complete control of the inflammation/scalp itch.


Realistically, I'm 25 and I really cannot live with the sexual side effects of the full dose. I guess Ill just had to be ok with whatever happens at this point with the half dose. Better than nothing, right? My situation is more or less futile so I think I may as well stress as little as possible and just ride the wave and see where I end up.


- the end. thanks for making it this far!

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  • Senior Member

Welcome to the forum! That is certainly a rough story. I think that you have landed at the right place. Most of the people on the forum are experiencing hair loss in some way. We are all here to help one another.

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  • Regular Member

One thing that wasnt really addressed was finding a solution to your stress. Why not ease up on yourself on these time frames?


-as far as itching, when your regular hair is shedding in the balding process your scalp itches. Its a double whammy with Rogaine.


Id recommend getting 8 hours of sleep a night, easing up on the meds to where they dont have side effects, and then go see Hasson and get a the best procedure available.


What causes some of the most stress in life is not having power over circumstances. You seem to have

several things spiraling out of control. Take some time off if you can afford it. Then take action.

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  • Regular Member

I've been on wellbutrin SR 300mg daily for close to 9 months now and the top of my scalp def looks thinner and my hair growth rate has noticeably slowed since I haven't gotten a haircut in at least 8 months.


It increased my libido noticeably and i haven't smoked in 9 months. It also packs some energy and gives a mood boost so I like it alot. But the potential hair thinning bit is too high a price to pay.


Any other anti-depressant meds that don't make you feel tired i should ask my doc about?

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