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Please - Advice for a Youngun

Guest swingfire19

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I started to notice some loss around 18 as well. It is such a horrible feeling man!


If I may ask, are you in good shape?


That helps to ease attention away form your head and ot give you better confidence?


from a diet stand point

try to stay away from processed foods and get your hormone levels checked.


make sure you don't have any thyroid problems, and check for gluten sensitivity...


I received my first ht around the age of 24 and it has been a serious mission that i was not as prepared for as I thought I would.


shampoo wise I tend to you head n shoulders with zinc.


Do what you can for the next few years. Then re evaluate around the age of 25.


toppik and couvre can also work wonders. When you feel you can't cover HL through styling any longer. Jump on those bad boys..


If you do wish to go the HT route after age 25, make sure you have some serious cash saved, and set aside for future treatments.


From your first procedure to your last, it may cost you upwards of 50k..


Keep yourself updated on HT news, and hopefully you will be educated enough to combat accordingly


good luck dude

First transplant with karamikian 6/05, less than 1000 to my hairline, result was mediocre at best.

2nd HT with Feller 2/08, 3000+ to my front third.

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Just want to say I'm with you man. I'm 23 and am balding pretty seriously from the front. I, too, feel like I'm way too young for this to be happening, especially when I look around me and my friends all have good heads of hair and my brother who is a few years older than me still has all of his hair. I'm new to all this (this is my first post here) so I can't offer any advice on what to do, but I will say, you ain't alone.


Good luck to ya.

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