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Requesting your valuable recommendations for a HT surgeon


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Hi this is my first post here after I accidentally hit upon this forum doing Google search on Hair Transplantation, why, because I think I need one. I am only 33 years of age and live in Melbourne, Australia but am originally from India.


Please see the following pic of my bald head :o ( damn I am so ashamed) and recommend a surgeon please.




Thanking you guys in advance for recommendations. I would be very grateful if not only you guys can recommend me the the name of the surgeon(s), but also their addresses and their fees.



Edited by Partha
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Welcome to the Hair Restoration Discussion Forums. Is there any specific geographical area where you would like to have a hair transplant procedure? Regardless, I would highly suggest reviewing our recommended hair restoration physicians. These world-class surgeons are located all over the globe, and each doctor can analyze your current level of loss, help create an appropriate hair loss regimen (which may include surgery or medications such as minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia)), and, if necessary, perform your procedure. I also recommend that you continue researching before committing to a transplant procedure. I hope this helps! Also, feel free to ask any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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hello partha,the only reccommended dr here from india and about the cheapest quality surgeon you will find anywhere is dr madhu in hyderabad,if my memory is correct i think he charges about rs 50 per graft,click on the reccommended physicians in the top right hand corner to find out more info about dr madhu or any other dr that is reccommended here ,hope this helps,have a nice day......

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Thanks guys for your replies. Very much appreciated. I checked out the links as provided by Future_HT_Doc. Perhaps it is Dr. Madhu or Doc Mohmand for me then. Any idea of the fees for Dr. Mohmand ? Because I do go to India every now and then.


Also how many days do I need to take off from work to get it done, and return to work normally ?



Edited by Partha
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