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Rogaine after 35-40+ years old


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I am interested in any feedback on anyone who has started rogaine in the 35-40+ year old category. I am 40yrs old and I have recenly had a procedure in the frontal area and am obviously interested in doing what I can to maintain the crown/vertex.


I have been on propecia for over 15 years, I do think it has helped maintain, and I still have a fair amount. But it is thinning and I am considering adding Rogaine Foam 1X per day.


Any feedback from the 35 or 40+ crowd is greatly appreciated.




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  • Senior Member



I started both minoxidil and finasteride at the age of 40. I did this right after my first hair transplant.


I've seen an improvement in my crown but, since I started them together, I really can't say which one is working or if it's the combination that has helped.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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hello hunter88,i'm 44 and gave minoxidil a breath go for about 6 months about five years ago, but knowing little and due to the shedding i gave it up thinking it was makeing matters worse,now armed with a tad more knowledge i have been on generic proscar and kirkland minoxidil 2 x a day for the last four months or so,just hopeing to maintain while i do my research into a ht,after the initial hefty shed [which is quite scary]things have now bucked up,i took some photos only yesterday to send to a doc and noticed on the crown shots i have littrally hundreds of roughly centimetre long blonde hairs where before there was nothing so hopefully these will grow thicker and darker in time,it is definately worth adding minoxidil to your arsenal in the fight,good luck with it,all the best and have a nice day

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  • Regular Member


I started both minoxidil and finasteride at the age of 40. I did this right after my first hair transplant.


I've seen an improvement in my crown but, since I started them together, I really can't say which one is working or if it's the combination that has helped.



I'm 47 and I have done my first HT in November 2007. Since the day 20 post HT I've been using Kirkland Minxidil and Finasteride. On February 2010 I have to quit Kirkland because it was irritating my scalp very badly and I got a serious dermatitis. I have made a second HT 24 days ago and my hair was falling a lot (since day 1 of post HT). I decided to go for a manipulatted minoxidil formula without the propylen glicol (that has in Rogaine and Kirkland), two days ago. Coincidence or not my hair imediatelly stop falling. It looks thicker than 2 days ago. I think Minoxidil is a forever to use thing in my life and I do recommend its usage for anyone who wants to preserve native hair. If it works as effective as we wish I think I would never know but I can say that my hair had fallen a lot when I quit it this year. That's why I went for a second HT. My doc also recommended its usage.


Before first HT:



After first HT:




Can't hardly wait to post after second HT, lol.

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