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HT Approach

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  • Regular Member

Hello All,

I have been considering to get a HT (Strip) lately ; so had few online consultations with coalition doctors. I wanted to know which approach is better and best suited to my situation .


The Approach suggested are :


1) To get 2500 to 4000 grafts on the frontal and a separate procedure for the crown around 2000 grafts .


2) To get a total of around 4000 grafts ( one session ) which comprises of 1500 to 1800 to restore hairline and the front area and 2000 grafts in the crown region .

Explanation for the above 2nd approach


o The Front

§ The Immediate Front will have 40 Grafts per Sq cm followed by 30 Grafts per sq cm


o The Crown :

§ Since my loss is more on the posterior of the crown ;hence the Outer surface of the crown will 30 grafts per Sq cm followed by 20 grafts per Sq cm and 10 Grafts per Sq cm.




My hair loss is a classic Male Pattern Baldness ;so expecting to lose more hair in near future.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated .



Please find the photos





Also find the photos at


Picasa Web Albums - 10707540418415652... - Album_hair









Edited by myeddula51
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