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I'm a 22 year old male, that started losing my hair during my soph year of highschool. It has gotten progressively worse and my hair line has receded quite a bit leaving only a small area still up front towards the middle. I have been on rogaine and propecia (sorry if my spelling is poor) for more than two years now. It seems that my hair loss has remained steady during that time period.


I have noticed that with respect to hair transplants, posters here discuss that certain candidates are too young for such procedures. What I was wondering is at what age can you start (as my hair loss is an issue, and very noticeable)?


Also, with respect to the procedure itself when may you start to wear a hat, and when will the redness, or showings of the surgery on the head be unnoticeable?


Thanks for the input guys!!

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  • Senior Member

The problem is that you say you have lost quite a lot of hair already, so you dont really know how much hair you are going to lose, it could be a lot more so getting an HT at the moment would be a bad idea as you could end up with an island of nonsense hair at the front of your head and that would look stupid.

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Welcome to the site! You are starting out by asking some very important questions. It was a very good move getting on the meds in order to stabilize your loss!

With regard to age, it is only one of many factors that a doctor must consider before determining if you are a candidate for hair transplantation. As Sparky has already mentioned, HT's involve long-term planning. It would be a waste of time, money and precious hair grafts to plan for a NW4 head that ultimately ends up being a NW6.

Without photos, it's impossible for any of us to give you any relevant advice.

Start by researching our recommended coalition doctors and schedule some free consultations. That will you give the best idea of what you are in for if you are indeed a candidate.

As for the rest of your questions, like so many other issues surrounding HTs, the answers vary. After my first HT I was noticeably pink in the recipient area for about two months. The second time around things seem to be fading faster. Most folds will tell you to wait at least 10 to 14 days before donning a hat. How long it takes for your HT to be unnoticeable has to do with how much native hair you still have, if your doctor requires you to shave and your skin tone. Again, speaking from experience, after my first HT, since I had almost no existing hair in the recipient area, it took a good two or three months. After the second one, I was able to go out in public after one month with no fear of detection.

Hope this helps and keep the questions coming. That's what we are here for.



David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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i'm thinning right now too, so i know your pain. i'm new to forums like you, and am interested in hearing anything anyone has to offer. i will keep you in my prayers and hopefully we can stop thinning! let me know if you find something that works for you

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