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Can I get on to Propecia without consulting doctor


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  • Regular Member

All experienced folks, please give your suggestions.


Is it O.K to get on Propecia without doctor consultation? I mean does that suit everyone? Any effects that might vary from person to person?


My hair are very thin, though they are all around the head. According to what I have read on this forum and other places, Propecia will be quite helpful, especially if you are thinking of HT.

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  • Senior Member

The short answer is, unfortunately, no. There are some cases where you can get propecia via a phone consultation or by applying for it online (Lloyds Pharmacy in the UK do that though I imagine it's only for UK residents and their prices are horrendous) but the long and short of it is only a qualified, practising doctor can write you a prescription.


Is there any particular reason you don't want to see a doctor? Obviously a consultation with any professional doctor will be confidential and conducted in a respectful manner, so if you are worried about discussing going bald, fear not!


Also it's quite important that a doctor assesses whether propecia is right for you. Generally its a safe drug in the right dosage but if you don't have male pattern baldness as identified by a doctor it's not a good idea to take it. You also mention your hair is thinning "all around your head". Do you mean everywhere? Top, back and sides? Again, a doctor would be able to assess the full picture and make the best decision with you. If you are thinning all over your entire head you may have what's known as Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia which is quite a specific type of balding you would need to discuss with a professional to treat. I am only going by what you have said, though, so I'm not suggesting that's the case.


You'd best go to a doctor. If I'm honest you may find a way to get propecia by filling in a questionnaire or phoning a doctor up but you will still need to answer questions about yourself and they will still be read and a decision made by a doctor. If you go see someone face to face they will be much more helpful and be able to give you a better diagnosis and plan, as well as write you any prescriptions you need.

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