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Almost 2 weeks and very happy!!!!!!


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I have been eager to do a hair transplant surgery for many years, and approaching 30 I finally decided to do it. I had approximately 1630 grafts placed on my hair line done by Dr. Brandon Ross. It has been about 12 days and I am very happy with my results from day 1. I am one that is super nervous about any surgery or needles; however, after doing my research I knew I was in good hands. I did not experience any pain and felt great through the whole process. I had no down time after the surgery. The first night was a little uncomfortable sleeping but was not a big deal. I experienced very slight swelling around donor area which was gone after day 2. I experienced no other noticeable swelling after the second day. I have not experienced any shock loss yet, and the scabs have been falling out for the past few days. I have not lost any of my grafted hair and the hair is growing!!!! I know it is still early, but I have heard that the scabs may contain hairs—but not mine!! I got the stitches removed on day 8 and the scar is healing very nice and not noticeable with my hair covering it. Dr. Ross and his staff are all super nice, and they have a very clean cozy office in La Jolla. Without a doubt I would recommend Dr. Ross to anyone considering a hair transplant. Thanks Dr. Ross!!! I am so happy!:):):):)

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Yes, I am very happy with the procedure; however, the way my hair covers where the grafts are give the appearance of a lower and fuller hair line which makes me HAPPY! I have noticeable results right now, and no one can notice that I have had a procedure done. So far the hair has not fallen out and thanks for the good luck!!

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Congratulations on selecting a world class surgeon to perform your hair transplant. I'm glad to hear your experience was first-rate and I look forward to seeing your results.


This community loves photos. I encourage you to create a blog with photos to share your experience and surgical pictures. You are also invited to create your very own patient website.


All the Best,



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

you do know your grafts will probs shred around the 5 week mark? and then you will start to notice them sprouting after around the 3 month mark? and full results are seen after and upto 18 months in most cases? lol....... good luck happy growing pal :)

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j..congrat's on your recent procedure and good luck with your growth...now is it just me but i don't seem to come across many posts regarding doctor ross...once again good luck to you and have a nice day.....

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